[ VIDEO ] Small Pleasures (Μικρές Χαρές) - POVESTE DE SEARA !

Once upon a time in a country far far away a boy lived, very different from all the others. His name was Eftichis. Everything ran smoothly in his life until one day, many many years ago an incident made him see life from a different perspective. And suddenly, a big secret was revealed.

Lefteris Eleftheriou
Evgenia Deliali

Narrated by:
Makis Revmatas

Directed by: Constantin Pilavios
Written by: Despina Ladi
Director of photography: Zoe Manta
Music by: Christos Triantafillou
Sound Design by: Teo Babouris
Mixed by: Kostas Varibobiotis
Produced by: MovieTeller films


I exist. You exist. Now think; there is another person reading this comment. They could be angry they could be happy. No matter what they are doing they are a "TOTAL person"(Their own being). They are different, but still human like you are. Amazing to think that I can touch a table, and NO ONE will ever touch it like that again. Or that I see the same sunset millions are watching, but no one else sees it from my perspective(position). I'm still blown away by the thought that YOU exist.

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