8 pasi pentru a evita momentele jenante

De multe ori vedem prin magazine copii agitati, care plang si fac scene. Pentru a evita aceasta situatie cand mergi la cumparaturi cu copilul, urmeaza cativa pasi simpi.

Mersul la cumparaturi cu cei mici implica riscul unor momente jenante: incep sa tipe, sa planga sau sa se tavaleasca pe jos, toate acestea doar pentru a li se cumpara jucaria preferata.
Daca vreti sa evitati aceste situatii, trebuie sa urmati cativa pasi simpli.

1. Copiii au nevoie de rutina, acest lucru oferindu-le stabilitate, iar dvs. linistea pentru a va desfasura activitatile. Explicati-i copilului ce se va intampla exact la magazin, ce raioane veti vizita mai intai, ce anume aveti de cumparat, cum veti plati la casa etc.

2. Subliniati indeosebi lista de cumparaturi.

3. Stabiliti de acasa ce anume ii veti cumpara si precizati ca nu veti incalca lista de cumparaturi, pentru niciun motiv.

4. Mancati inainte de a pleca la cumparaturi - orice stare de disconfort il va face pe cel mic sa fie si mai agitat.

5. Lasati copilul sa isi ia cu el jucaria preferata, astfel va avea o ocupatie, daca se va simti la un moment dat plictisit.

5 Promiteti-i o recompensa pentru buna purtare: daca va sta cuminte, atunci cand sunteti la cumparaturi, il veti recompensa - o plimbare in
parc, inghetata preferata, ceva care il atrage si la care nu are acces in fiecare zi.

6. Implicati-l activ! Nu ezitati sa ii cereti parerea - lasati-l sa se simta implicat si alegeti impreuna articolele de care aveti nevoie.

7. Limitati timpul petrecut la cumparaturi, caci copiii se plictisesc repede si nu au rabdare

8. Incercati sa fixati ce anume vreti sa cumparati, pentru ca riscati sa il obositi, sa il iritati si implicit, va veti alege astfel, cu scene neplacute.
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Cum sa-ti ajuti copilul sa-si faca prieteni

Conform studiilor copiii cu prieteni au totodata mai multa incredere in ei si au mai putine probleme sociale decat copiii fara prieteni. Afla ca si tu poti sa-ti ajuti copilul sa lege prietenii urmand indicatiile urmatoare.

Metode pentru a ajuta copilul sa isi faca prieteni:

- Acorda timp pentru a iesi in parcuri la joaca alaturi de copilul tau, fiindca acolo vei gasi mame insotind copii de diferite varste.

- Copiii invata foarte mult observand lumea, astfel este important sa aiba in jur copii.

- Daca copilul tau nu are frati, vorbeste cu alte mame pentru a se juca impreuna cu alti copii. Chiar si bebelusii interactioneaza, asa ca ajuta-ti din timp copilul sa socializeze.

- Cauta librarii sau centre de joaca cu programe pentru mamici si copii.

- Aranjeaza intalniri de joaca cu mamele din cartier care au copii de varsta apropiata cu al tau.

Pe masura ce copilul creste, joaca devine tot mai importanta. La inceput, copiii au tendinta sa se joace unul langa celalalt, nu unul cu celalalt, aceasta fiind o etapa normala in dezvoltarea sociala a copilului. Pana la urma, vor incepe sa comunice si sa se joace cu alti copii de varsta lor, nu doar sa stea unul langa altul.

Un aspect important in socializarea copilului tau se refera la faptul ca desi il duci sa se joace cu alti copii, nu inseamna ca ii poti si alege prietenii. Nu poti decide care este persoana cea mai potrivita ca prieten pentru copilul tau, fiindca orice vei face, pana la urma copilul tau va fi atras in mod natural catre anumite personalitati, este ceva perfect normal.

Parintii extrovertiti au tendinta de a se ingrijora daca copilul lor este mai introvertit, dar este foarte important sa nu te grabesti si sa-l etichetezi drept timid. Multi parinti au idei fixe despre cat de sociabili ar trebui sa fie copilul lor si cati prieteni ar trebui sa aiba dar multi au doar un prieten si nu este nimic in neregula cu acest lucru.

Daca are talentul sa-si faca un prieten inseamna ca are toate atuurile sociale de care are nevoie.

Cum sa se joace frumos

Pe la 18 luni incep sa apara conflicte intre copiii de aceeasi varsta. Cand parintii observa ca este pe cale sa inceapa o altercatie, au tendinta sa sara si sa opreasca totul dar este mai bine sa lasi copiii sa invete sa se descurce unul cu celalalt.
Trebuie sa ii invatam sa isi ia apararea si sa aiba o “voce” nu doar sa astepte sa fie salvati. Multi parinti doresc sa intervina in aplanarea conflictului dar acest lucru este, de fapt, o oportunitate de invatare.
Cand un partener de joaca ii ia din senin jucaria copilului nostru, avem tendinta sa sarim si sa-l consolam.
Incearca sa fii un mediator si sa-ti inveti copilul cum sa vorbeasca pentru el. Intreaba-l: “Iti place sa se poarte asa cu tine?”. Daca raspunsul este nu, atunci invata-l sa spuna acest lucru.

Invata-ti copilul cum sa comunice cu prietenul de joaca spunandu-i:” Spune-i pietenului tau ca te-ai suparat si ca nu ai terminat inca. Apoi, da-i si lui jucaria ta sa se joace si el cand ai terminat”.
Acest lucru ofera control copilului tau, in loc sa vii tu si sa spui simplu : “ Acum este randul lui”, si sa-i da jucaria.

In timpul jocului copiilor mici vei observa ca se vor certa din cand in cand si este bine sa intervii cand lucrurile se incing dar fa-o fara sa exagerezi. Lovitul, muscatel sau trasul de codite poate fi un semn ca acei copii incearca sa se conecteze. Ei doar incearca sa vada cum pot sa se joace si nu inteleg inca cum sa faca acest lucru.
S-ar putea ca reactia ta sa fie una de impacare sau despartire, dar daca vezi acest lucru, spune ceva de genul: “Vad ca vrei sa te joci cu el, asa ca ce ar fi daca am face un castel de nisip impreuna?”.
via : link

ASUS Bamboo

ASUS U BAMBOO un laptop ecofriendly - unic, cu design alcatuit 25 % din lemn de bambus.

Este asa de personalizat incat nu gasesti 2 laptopuri identice, difera ceva in design, greutate... cand lucrezi pe el il simti ca e ceva special.

E ca si masina mercedes cu bordul din lemn - asa clasic din categoria limuzina- asa si acest model - un fel limuzina "new school" cu margini din lemn de bambus.

Procesoarele moderne ii permit sa utilizeze extrem de eficient energia, marind astfel durata intre doua incarcari. Iar cat despre materialele toxice, Bamboo s-a certat chiar foarte rau cu ele, renuntand la peste 32 peste lista impusa de specificatiile RoHS.

Nu este un calculator de fitze, sa te lauzi, este pentru business...
unui antreprenor online... i-ar sta bine cu un Asus Bamboo -
cand merge sa faca live blogging de la un eveniment monden.

Memoria 3GB, diagonala de 14 inch, si procesorul Intel - chiar si lemnul de bambus din care este facut influenteza pretul si il face sa fie un laptop unic -

Pret informativ : 3.549,00 Lei
Via : link

[ VIDEO ] Cum treci masina peste un rau !!!

Primele 25 universitati din lume !!!!

25. Kyoto University, Japan
Kyoto University rated as 25th best university in World University Rankings. Founded in 1897, Kyoto University has deeply considered its traditions of liberal and academic freedom, educating many. We continue to actively maintain these principles, which are the foundation of academic freedom. Kyoto University places top priority on basic research, develops advanced technology leading to the acquisition of intellectual property, and then returns this knowledge to society through education, social cooperation, and the opportunity for lifelong education. Kyoto University has 3 campuses nestled in a basin, which forms the main part of Kyoto, a city which in tradition and culture of which Kyoto University is a part. 24 More universities after the break...
24. University of Hong Kong
University of Hong Kong rated as 24th best university in World University Rankings . The University of Hong Kong is the territory’s oldest university, and with a history that stretches back more than 90 years, it has grown with and helped shape the city from which it takes its name. The University of Hong Kong, as a pre-eminent international university in Asia, seeks to sustain and enhance its excellence as an institution of higher learning through outstanding teaching and world-class research so as to produce well-rounded graduates with lifelong abilities to provide leadership within the societies they serve. HKU has won a proud reputation as a world-class comprehensive research university. It offers internationally recognized qualifications and it is renowned for its academic and research excellence worldwide. As an English-medium university in China, HKU also offers researchers unique opportunities to bridge cultures and continents, and to explore more on China-related studies.

23. King’s College London

King’s College London rated as 23rd best university in World University Rankings. King’s College London is a constituent college of the University of London in the United Kingdom. The college was founded by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington in 1829, and its royal charter is predated in England only by those of Oxford University and Cambridge University.. There are currently more than 19,000 students in nine Schools of study based at our five London campuses. We offer a vast range of undergraduate programmes, and whichever programme you choose to pursue, you will work with academics who are often national or international leaders in their field. As an undergraduate at King’s, you will become part of a vibrant and intellectually stimulating community. You will be inspired by researchers, discoverers and inventors who are pushing the boundaries of knowledge and will mix with students from across the UK, Europe and almost every country in the world. King’s has played a major role in many of the advances that have shaped modern life, such as the discovery of the structure of DNA. It is the largest centre for the education of healthcare professionals in Europe and is home to five Medical Research Council Centres – more than any other university.

22. University of Tokyo

University of Tokyo rated as 22th best university in World University Rankings. The University of Tokyo abbreviated as Todai, is a major research university located in Tokyo, Japan. The University has 10 faculties with a total of around 30,000 students, 2,100 of whom are foreign. Its five campuses are in Hongo-, Komaba, Kashiwa, Shirokane and Nakano. It is considered to be one of the most prestigious universities in Japan.
21. University of Edinburgh
University of Edinburgh rated as 21st best university in World University Rankings. The University of Edinburgh was founded in 1583, making it one of Scotland’s ancient universities. The University offers over 600 first degree programmes, which includes over 300 joint degree combinations, spread across some 100 academic disciplines. More than 22,000 students study here, from all over the world and from a variety of backgrounds. The University has 22 Schools in three Colleges: Humanities & Social Science, Medicine & Veterinary Medicine, and Science & Engineering. World renowned and well respected, a degree from the University of Edinburgh will be recognised wherever you go. The University of Edinburgh’s success is not limited to Scotland, or even the UK. We have a well-deserved international reputation for excellence, as demonstrated in our partnerships with other key institutions worldwide, such as our work with Stanford University on Informatics. Many of our degree programmes offer the opportunity to spend some time studying abroad. Perhaps this international dimension helps explain why we have the largest proportion of international students of any Scottish university.

20. ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) rated as 20th best university in World University Rankings. ETH Zurich’s 16 departments offer Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programmes in engineering and natural sciences. The language of instruction in the Bachelor programmes is German, whereas English is the prime language on the graduate level. All degree programmes provide a solid scientific foundation combined with outstanding all-round skills, equipping ETH graduates with the abilities and flexibility needed for a career in industry, business or the public sector, as entrepreneur or scientist.

19. University of Michigan, United States
University of Michigan rated as 18th best university in World University Rankings. The University of Michigan, one of the world’s leading public universities, has 26,000 undergraduate and 15,000 graduate/professional students from all 50 states and 117 countries. Students may choose from over 200 undergraduate majors, over 90 master’s programs, and over 100 doctoral programs. Numerous research and study abroad opportunities are offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. A wide variety of social, cultural, and athletic activities are available. There is something for everyone here. The University is located in the culturally rich and exciting community of Ann Arbor. Distinct yet closely integrated with the University, Ann Arbor offers its own array of social and cultural offerings, to which University students are enthusiastically welcomed. The city is home to numerous parks and athletic facilities, and boasts an excellent public transportation system.

18. Mcgill University, Canada

Mcgill University rated as 18th best university in World University Rankings. Innovative research programs and cutting-edge facilities including our brand new Life Sciences Complex attract internationally respected faculty. Our faculty excel at research; in 2008, McGill professors Nahum Sonenberg and Charles Taylor took home, respectively, the Gairdner International Award and the Kyoto Prize, two of the world’s top research prizes. McGill’s faculty are committed to excellence in teaching, too, bringing their cutting-edge breakthroughs into the classroom. McGill’s 21 faculties and professional schools offer degrees in more than 300 fields of study. McGill offers a full range of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs as well as professional degrees in law, dentistry, business and medicine. The world-renowned Faculty of Medicine has four affiliated teaching hospitals and graduates more than 1,000 health care professionals each year.

17. Australian National University

Australian National University rated as 17th best university in World University Rankings. The Australian National University is one of the world’s foremost research universities. Distinguished by its relentless pursuit of excellence, ANU attracts leading academics and outstanding students from Australia and around the world. The primary educational objective of ANU is to become the university of choice for talented students locally, nationally and internationally by offering a unique range of research-led degree programs. Graduate education continues as one of the major focuses of the University and about one quarter of the total enrolment is undertaking post-graduate study. Regardless of whether those students are enrolled in the Institute of Advanced Studies or the Faculties, the full resources of both and of University Centres are available to them through the Graduate School.

16. Stanford University, United States
Stanford University rated as 16th best university in World University Rankings. Stanford University, founded in 1885, is recognized as one of the world’s leading research and teaching institutions, with one of the most renowned faculties in the nation. Stanford students men and women of all races, ethnicities and ages are distinguished by their love of learning and desire to contribute to the greater community. Stanford University offers its students a remarkable range of academic and extracurricular activities. We are committed to offering an education that is unrivaled among research universities.

15. Cornell University, United States
Cornell University rated as 15th best university in World University Rankings. Once called “the first American university” by educational historian Frederick Rudolph, Cornell University represents a distinctive mix of eminent scholarship and democratic ideals. Adding practical subjects to the classics and admitting qualified students regardless of nationality, race, social circumstance, gender, or religion was quite a departure when Cornell was founded in 1865. Today’s Cornell reflects this heritage of egalitarian excellence. It is home to the nation’s first colleges devoted to hotel administration, industrial and labor relations, and veterinary medicine. Both a private university and the land-grant institution of New York State, Cornell University is the most educationally diverse member of the Ivy League.
14. Duke University, United States
Duke University rated as 14th best university in World University Rankings. Duke University was created in 1924 by James Buchanan Duke as a memorial to his father, Washington Duke. The Dukes, a Durham family that built a worldwide financial empire in the manufacture of tobacco and developed electricity production in the Carolinas, long had been interested in Trinity College. Trinity traced its roots to 1838 in nearby Randolph County when local Methodist and Quaker communities opened Union Institute. The school, then-named Trinity College, moved to Durham in 1892. In December 1924, the provisions of James B. Duke’s indenture created the family philanthropic foundation, The Duke Endowment, which provided for the expansion of Trinity College into Duke University.

13. Johns Hopkins University, United States
Johns Hopkins University rated as 13th best university in World University Rankings. The Johns Hopkins University, founded in Baltimore in 1876, was the first university in the Western Hemisphere founded on the model of the European research institution, where research and the advancement of knowledge were integrally linked to teaching. Its establishment began a revolution in U.S. higher education. The Johns Hopkins University, commonly referred to as Johns Hopkins, JHU, or simply Hopkins, is a private research university located in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Johns Hopkins also maintains full-time campuses elsewhere in Maryland, Washington, D.C., Italy, China, and Singapore. Johns Hopkins University has an affiliated hospital and medical school. It is one of fourteen founding members of the Association of American Universities.

12. University of Pennsylvania, United States
University of Pennsylvania rated as 12th best university in World University Rankings. The University of Pennsylvania (commonly referred to as Penn or UPenn) is a private research university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Penn is the fourth-oldest institution of higher education in the United States, and is one of several institutions that claims to have been the first university in America. Penn is a member of the Ivy League and is one of the Colonial Colleges. University of Pennsylvania has been committed to excellence in scholarship, research and service. From its highly regarded undergraduate, graduate and professional schools to its wide-ranging program of interdisciplinary research and scholarship, Penn takes pride in being a place where students and faculty can pursue knowledge without boundaries, a place where theory and practice combine to produce a better understanding of our world and ourselves.

11. Columbia University, United States
Columbia University rated as 11th best university in World University Rankings. Columbia University is one of the world’s most important centers of research and at the same time a distinctive and distinguished learning environment for undergraduates and graduate students in many scholarly and professional fields. The University recognizes the importance of its location in New York City and seeks to link its research and teaching to the vast resources of a great metropolis. It seeks to attract a diverse and international faculty and student body, to support research and teaching on global issues, and to create academic relationships with many countries and regions. It expects all areas of the university to advance knowledge and learning at the highest level and to convey the products of its efforts to the world.

10. California Institute of Technology (caltech)
California Institute of Technology (caltech) rated as 10th best university in World University Rankings. The mission of the California Institute of Technology is to expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education. We investigate the most challenging, fundamental problems in science and technology in a singularly collegial, interdisciplinary atmosphere, while educating outstanding students to become creative members of society.

09. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mit), United States
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mit) rated as 9th best university in World University Rankings. The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the world’s great challenges. MIT is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community. We seek to develop in each member of the MIT community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind.The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.

08. PRINCETON University, United States

PRINCETON University rated as 8th best university in World University Rankings. Princeton is the fourth-oldest college in the United States. As a research university, it seeks to achieve the highest levels of distinction in the discovery and transmission of knowledge and understanding, and in the education of graduate students. At the same time, Princeton is distinctive among research universities in its commitment to undergraduate teaching. The University provides its students with academic, extracurricular and other resources — in a residential community committed to diversity in its student body, faculty and staff — that help them achieve at the highest scholarly levels and prepare them for positions of leadership and lives of service in many fields of human endeavor.

07. University of CHICAGO, United States

University of CHICAGO rated as the 7th best university in World University Rankings. The University of Chicago was founded in 1890 by the American Baptist Education Society and oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. The University of Chicago has had a profound impact on American higher education; curricula across the country have been influenced by the emphasis on broad humanistic and scientific undergraduate education. The University also has a well-deserved reputation as the teacher of teachers.

06. University of OXFORD, United Kingdom
University of OXFORD rated the sixth best university in World University Rankings. Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence. As an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research, Oxford attracts students and scholars from across the globe, with almost a quarter of our students from overseas. More than 130 nationalities are represented among a student population of over 18,000. Oxford is a collegiate university, with 39 self-governing colleges related to the University in a type of federal system. There are also seven Permanent Private Halls, founded by different Christian denominations. Thirty colleges and all halls admit students for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Seven other colleges are for graduates only; one has Fellows only, and one specializes in part-time and continuing education.

05. IMPERIAL College London

Imperial College London, rated the fifth best university in the world for. Imperial College London is a university of world class scholarship, education and research in science, engineering and medicine, with particular regard to their application in industry, commerce and healthcare. The College has over 3,000 academic and research staff and almost 14,000 students from over 120 different countries. Our reputation for excellence in teaching and research in science, engineering, medicine and business attracts students and staff of the highest international calibre. Imperial College staff are frequently consulted by governments, and also act as members of professional bodies, advise industry, and offer informed comment to the media.

04. UCL (University College London)

UCL (University College London) rated the fourth best university in World University Rankings. UCL is a multidisciplinary university with an international reputation for the quality of its research and teaching across the academic spectrum, with subjects spanning the sciences, arts, social sciences and biomedicine. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) UCL was rated the best research university in London, and third in the UK overall, for the number of its submissions which were considered of world-leading quality. The university is located on a compact site in the very heart of London and is surrounded by the greatest concentration of libraries, museums, archives, cultural institutions and professional bodies in Europe.

03. Yale University, United States
Yale University rated as third best university in the World University Rankings. Yale University is one of the most famous schools in the United States, with a long history of service and an alumni list that reads like a “Who’s Who” of successful people. Yale University is the fulfillment of a European vision of intellectual freedom that is aimed at the service of the community and country. It has championed over history and survived the most destructive calamities such as the American Revolution. Since then, the university has continually grown and progressed to a center for high quality education that is recognized by the global community. The university is considered one of the oldest institution of higher education in the US. It was founded in 1701 and is a proud member of the prestigious Ivy League.

02. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

University of Cambridge rated the second best in World University Rankings. The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well as the world-class original research carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges. Its reputation is endorsed by the Quality Assurance Agency and by other external reviewers of learning and teaching, such as External Examiners. These high standards are the result of both the learning opportunities offered at Cambridge and by its extensive resources, including libraries, museums and other collections. Teaching consists not only of lectures, seminars and practical classes led by people who are world experts in their field, but also more personalised teaching arranged through the Colleges. Many opportunities exist for students to interact with scholars of all levels, both formally and informally.

01. Harvard University, United States

Harvard University rated as the number one university in World University Rankings. Harvard is America’s oldest institution of higher learning, founded 140 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed. The University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates, including undergraduates and students in 10 principal academic units. An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School. Over 14,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculty. There are also 7,000 faculty appointments in affiliated teaching hospitals.
Via Link

Urmarea crizei globale ... - Zambet din Spania !

Un muncitor roman din Spania trimite o scrisoare sotiei de acasa:

Draga Marieta,

Compania de constructii la care lucrez nu mai are comenzi din cauza crizei

imobiliare si nu a mai platit salarii. Asa ca, in loc de salariu, iti trimit

luna asta doar 100 de sarutari. Stiu ca ma iubesti si ca ai sa intelegi.

Sotul tau iubitor,


La care Marieta raspunde peste catva timp:


Mutumesc pentru cale 100 de sarutari! Iata si lista de cheltuieli pe care le-am acoperit cu ele:

1. Laptarul a fost de acord cu doua sarutari pentru lapte.

2. Omul de la ENEL a fost de acord cu sapte sarutari ca sa nu ne deconecteze.

3. Proprietarul apartamentului vine zilnic pentru 3 sarutari in contul chiriei.

4. Directorul supermarketului nu accepta doar sarutari, asa ca ii ofer si alte
articole, intelegi tu...

5. Diverse: 40 de sarutari. Nu fii ingrijorat pentru mine, mai am o balanta excedentara de 35 de sarutari si sper sa ma descurc luna asta.

Dar de luna viitoare se mareste TVA la 25%, asa ca
ai grija si trimite si tu mai multe!

Cu toata dragostea, Marieta


10. Dalia Grybauskaite, President of Lithuania

After Grybauskaite came to power in 2009, European journalists quickly dubbed her Lithuania’s Iron Lady, owing to her steely way with words and her black belt in karate. The daughter of a saleswoman and an electrician, she worked part time in a factory while earning a Ph.D. in economics. She went on to become Deputy Minister of Finance in 1999, before holding a series of positions within the European Commission. In 2009, with Lithuania mired deep in recession, Grybauskaite focused her presidential campaign on protecting those with the lowest incomes and tackling unemployment, which had climbed to nearly 16%. Running as an independent, she won with a 68% majority — the largest margin of victory ever recorded in Lithuania’s presidential election history. 9 More Female Politicians of the World after the break...

09. Tarja Halonen, President of Finland

Brought up in a working-class family in downtown Helsinki, Halonen has built a highly successful political career by building ties with trade unions and nongovernmental organizations. Serving as President since 2000, she has vehemently defended the President’s role as commander in chief of the military, and campaigned against Finnish membership in NATO. Her hobbies belie her powerful position: she is said to enjoy swimming and taking care of her two cats. In 2006, TV host and comedian Conan O’Brien endorsed Halonen’s re-election because of her strong resemblance to him.

08. Laura Chinchilla, President of Costa Rica
A former Vice President under Nobel laureate Oscar Arias Sánchez, Chinchilla won a 47% majority in the February 2010 election. In a country increasingly concerned about crime, the center-leftist played up her security experience: she previously served as both Public Security Minister and Justice Minister in the National Liberation Party. A social conservative, she opposes gay marriage, abortion and the legalization of the morning-after pill. She has pledged to continue the pro-business policies of her predecessor by courting international investment and expanding free trade.

07. Johanna Sigurdardottir, Prime Minister of Iceland
After Iceland’s economy collapsed in October 2008, Sigurdardottir rode a wave of discontent all the way to the premiership. It wasn’t exactly surprising: the former flight attendant turned politician had won eight consecutive elections since entering Parliament in 1978, making her the country’s longest-serving parliamentarian and one of its most popular. In addition to being Iceland’s first female Prime Minister, Sigurdardottir, 67, is also the world’s first openly gay head of state. In June 2010, when Iceland legalized gay marriage, Sigurdardottir tied the knot with her long-term partner, with whom she had entered a civil union seven years earlier.

06. Sheik Hasina Wajed, Prime Minister of Bangladesh
Hasina, the 62-year-old leader of the left-of-center Awami League, has a history of surviving. During a 1975 coup d’état, assassins killed 17 members of her family — including her son, three brothers, mother and father, former Prime Minister Sheik Mujibur Rahman. Hasina, then 28, happened to be abroad at the time. She later survived a grenade attack that killed more than 20 people, dodging the bullets that sprayed her car as she fled. Hasina was first elected Prime Minister in 1996. But in 2001, Transparency International named Bangladesh as the most corrupt country in the world, and Hasina was ousted in a landslide. That wasn’t the end of her, though. In January 2009, the Awami League won 230 of 299 parliamentary seats, and the consummate survivor found herself Prime Minister — again.

05. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia
Educated at the University of Wisconsin and at Harvard, Africa’s first female President served as Liberia’s Minister of Finance in the late 1970s. But when Samuel Doe seized power in a military coup in 1980 and executed the President and several Cabinet members, Johnson Sirleaf fled to Kenya, where she became a director at Citibank. She returned to contest the 1996 presidential election and lost to Charles Taylor. In 2005, she ran again and won, promising to bring motherly sensitivity and emotion to the presidency — a tall order in a country still reeling from years of civil war.

04. Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia
After she helped orchestrate a Labor Party coup that ousted Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on June 24, 2010, Gillard, 48, became Australia’s first female PM. Tasked with rebuilding dwindling support for her party, she called snap elections just three weeks into office, hoping to benefit from her bounce in public opinion. But the Aug. 21 election proved inconclusive: neither Gillard’s center-left government nor the Liberal-National coalition led by Tony Abbott were able to secure an outright majority. The stalemate finally broke on Sep. 7. After more than two weeks of protracted negotiation with a handful of independent candidates, Gillard secured a 76-74 majority in parliament to form a minority government.

03. Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil
“I would like parents who have daughters to look straight in their eyes and tell them: ‘Yes, a woman can,’” Dilma Rousseff said following her victory in Brazil’s runoff election. When she takes the reins of the world’s fourth largest democracy on Jan. 1, Rousseff will become the South American country’s first female president. Her win, a victory for would-be women leaders everywhere, was also a nod to outgoing President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who handpicked her for the job. As Lula’s former chief of staff, Rousseff promised to carry on the outgoing and overwhelmingly popular leader’s work. “I offer special thanks to President Lula,” she said in her election night speech. “I will know how to honor his legacy. I will know how to consolidate and go forward with his work.”

02. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, President of Argentina
Elected President in November 2007 (thereby succeeding her husband Néstor), Fernández has proven she is her own woman. Dismissively referred to as “Cristina” by some members of Argentina’s macho political elite, Fernández has survived a standoff with the country’s powerful farming lobby, a fallout with the U.S. over a suitcase allegedly containing illegal campaign contributions and a series of high-profile economic-policy spats that culminated in the ousting of the governor of Argentina’s Central Bank earlier this year. With her striking appearance and polarizing rhetoric, she inevitably draws comparisons with former First Lady Eva Perón.

01. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
The most influential female politician in the world, Merkel earned a doctorate in physics in East Germany before turning her eye to politics. She won a seat in the Bundestag during the first post-reunification general election, in December 1990, and Chancellor Helmut Kohl appointed her as a Cabinet minister just one year later. Childless and twice married, the chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union often comes off as reserved and self-effacing. But as she told TIME in a 2010 interview, she has plenty of confidence: “You could certainly say that I’ve never underestimated myself. There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious.”
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" Pokerul online un nou trend în România"

A venit vremea poker-ului online si in Romania.

Gata cu jocurile de carti: cruce, 66 sau septica, oameni au evoluat iar semnele au aparut (si in alte medii nu doar in jocurile online)

5 semne:
Lady Gaga - poker face (in muzica)
Poker - de Sergiu Nicolaescu (in film)
Clubul de poker - la Prima TV (emisiune in limba romana la TV)
80% din colegii de lucru, joaca poker - joaca bine
anul asta am invat si eu primele secrete din acest joc (la 25 de ani e tarziu sa invat - dar niciodata nu e prea tarziu sa inveti ceva nou)

Chiar citeam un blog si era scris pe acel blog un post despre inca un site de jucat poker in spatiul virtual romanesc.

Chiar un coleg a inceput sa joace si online si chiar sa joace pe bani, poker, 10-20 $ pe luna, deocamdata... "sa vada cum este"

Gata cu loto, gata cu jocuri de nimic pentru cativa centi... cei care stapanesc cat de cat regurile jocului si au "mana" la carti se orienteaza spre jocuri mai serioare... cum ar fi pokerul.

Pe siteul de Poker: www.45bet.com un site nou unde poti juca poker online, poker pe bani si chiar participa la turnee,,, gasesti toate informatiile necesare pentru a incepe sa practici acest joc, un fel de sport al mintii si al norocului.

Pe site gasiti si un dictionar de poker, si reguli de a juca poker + asistenta online:
Echipa noastră de suport în limbile engleză și română lucrează 24 ore pe zi pentru a-ți oferi asistență la întrebările la care nu poți găsi răspuns în secțiunea noastră de Întrebări Frecvente.

E clar ca Pokerul online este un nou trend în România
si daca incepeti sa jucati va doresc o sincera chinta roiala cel putin o data pe zi :)

Da-mi un sfat legat de poker, si lasa un comentariu
Ai jucat vreodata poker?

[ FOTO ] Namitha Unseen Images

Namitha unseen images, 11 More images after the break...
via : LINK

[ FOTO ] Ai ras azi ?

La tribunal: 

- Stii ce te asteapta pentru marturie falsa?

- Da, mi-au promis un Mercedes!

------------ --------- --------- --------

Invatatoarea ii spune lui Bula:
- Mai Bula schimba-ti si tu numele ca daca schimb
prima litera iese un cuvant
A doua zi vine Bula la scoala si ii spune invatatoarei:
-Gata doamna... Acuma ma cheama Denis.
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La magazinul de legume:
- Sa va pun si niste ciupercutze?
- Nu, multzumesc, mie-mi place sa le culeg singur!
- Cum doritzi! Pot sa vi le risipesc pe podea...
------------ --------- --------- --------
In fata unei gradinite se plimba un domn de vreun
sfert de ora.

O educatoare , vazandu-l , il intreaba:
- Asteptati un copil , domnule?
- Nu, asa sunt eu, gras!

------------ --------- --------- --------
Inaintea unei operatii, chirurgul isi intreaba pacientul:
-Ce vârsta aveti?
-Peste o luna voi implini 40 de ani.
-Bravo, bravo, spune chirurgul, imi place tare mult
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Ursul, lupul si magarul la carciuma din padure:
- O sticla de votca! ceru ursul.
- O sticlã?! se mirarã ceilalti doi.

- Da, mãi baieti! Am o treabã cu o ursoaica si vreau sa fiu

- O sticla de votca! ceru si lupul.
- O sticla?! se mirara ceilalti doi.
- Da, mai baieti! Am o treaba cu o lupoaica si vreau si eu
sa fiu tare!

- O cinzeaca de votcã! ceru si mãgarul.
- Numai o cincizeacã?! se mirarã ceilalti doi.
- Mãi baieti, eu sculã am, beau doar ca sã-mi sclipeasca

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Deodata, desi pe jumatate adormita, ea simti mangaierile lui.
La inceput timide,
ca si cum i-ar fi fost rusine.
Apoi, mangaierile devenira mai indraznete. Mai
mult, si mai
mult, pe tot corpul ei, mainile lui se plimbau cu nesat
asa cum se
intimpla... nu-si aducea aminte exact,
cam cu 4-5 ani in urma. Senzatii pe care
le credea uitate
se intorceau.
Memoria sentimentelor era vie, si o ajuta sa
raspunda la fel.
Mangaierile se ingramadeau, se repetau, el o invaluia, o

intorcea.. Deodata..... nimic.
Absolut nimic.
- Ce s-a intimplat? intreaba ea, surprinsa.
Te rog, nu te opri, mai
- Shhhh... incerca el sa o linisteasca, gata, am terminat!
- Cum adica ai terminat???
- Gata, am gasit telecomanda, dormi linistita!.. .

In autobuz, inghesuiala mare. O tipa se adreseaza unuia
care o impingea:
- Ce te-mpingi asa dom ' le, vrei sa te culci cu mine?
- Nu, vai de mine, cum puteti sa credeti asa ceva?
- Atunci da-te la o parte, poate vrea altu ' ....

Octavian Paler - Avem timp

Am imprezia ca a scris-o intr-zi de 8 mai , ziua mea ... Prin 2006 , parca , cu un an inainte de a se stinge din viata !

Avem timp pentru toate.
Sa dormim, sa alergam in dreapta si-n stanga,
sa regretam c-am gresit si sa gresim din nou,
sa-i judecam pe altii si sa ne absolvim pe noi insine,
avem timp sa citim si sa scriem,
sa corectam ce-am scris, sa regretam ce-am scris,
avem timp sa facem proiecte si sa nu le respectam,
avem timp sa ne facem iluzii si sa rascolim prin cenusa lor mai tarziu.
Avem timp pentru ambitii si boli,
sa invinovatim destinul si amanuntele,
avem timp sa privim norii, reclamele sau un accident oarecare,
avem timp sa ne-alungam intrebarile, sa amanam raspunsurile,
avem timp sa sfaramam un vis si sa-l reinventam,
avem timp sa ne facem prieteni, sa-i pierdem,
avem timp sa primim lectii si sa le uitam dupa-aceea,
avem timp sa primim daruri si sa nu le-ntelegem.
Avem timp pentru toate.
Nu e timp doar pentru putina tandrete.
Cand sa facem si asta - murim.
Am invatat unele lucruri in viata pe care vi le impartasesc si voua !!
Am invatat ca nu poti face pe cineva sa te iubeasca
Tot ce poti face este sa fii o persoana iubita.
Restul ... depinde de ceilalti.
Am invatat ca oricat mi-ar pasa mie
Altora s-ar putea sa nu le pase.
Am invatat ca dureaza ani sa castigi incredere
Si ca doar in cateva secunde poti sa o pierzi
Am invatat ca nu conteaza CE ai in viata
Ci PE CINE ai.
Am invatat ca te descurci si ti-e de folos farmecul cca 15 minute
Dupa aceea, insa, ar fi bine sa stii ceva.
Am invatat ca nu trebuie sa te compari cu ceea ce pot altii mai bine sa faca
Ci cu ceea ce poti tu sa faci
Am invatat ca nu conteaza ce li se intampla oamenilor
Ci conteaza ceea ce pot eu sa fac pentru a rezolva
Am invatat ca oricum ai taia
Orice lucru are doua fete
Am invatat ca trebuie sa te desparti de cei dragi cu cuvinte calde
S-ar putea sa fie ultima oara cand ii vezi
Am invatat ca poti continua inca mult timp
Dupa ce ai spus ca nu mai poti
Am invatat ca EROI sunt cei care fac ce trebuie, cand trebuie
Indiferent de consecinte
Am invatat ca sunt oameni care te iubesc
Dar nu stiu s-o arate
Am invatat ca atunci cand sunt suparat am dreptul sa fiu suparat
Dar nu am dreptul sa fiu si rau
Am invatat ca prietenia adevarata continua sa existe chiar si la distanta
Iar asta este valabil si pentru iubirea adevarata
Am invatat ca, daca cineva nu te iubeste cum ai vrea tu
Nu inseamna ca nu te iubeste din tot sufletul.
Am invatat ca indiferent cat de bun iti este un prieten
Oricum te va rani din cand in cand
Iar tu trebuie sa-l ierti pentru asta.
Am invatat ca nu este intotdeauna de ajuns sa fii iertat de altii
Cateodata trebuie sa inveti sa te ierti pe tine insuti
Am invatat ca indiferent cat de mult suferi,
Lumea nu se va opri in loc pentru durerea ta.
Am invatat ca trecutul si circumstantele ti-ar putea influenta personalitatea
Dar ca TU esti responsabil pentru ceea ce devii
Am invatat ca, daca doi oameni se cearta, nu inseamna ca nu se iubesc
Si nici faptul ca nu se cearta nu dovedeste ca se iubesc.
Am invatat ca uneori trebuie sa pui persoana pe primul loc
Si nu faptele sale
Am invatat ca doi oameni pot privi acelasi lucru
Si pot vedea ceva total diferit
Am invatat ca indiferent de consecinte
Cei care sunt cinstiti cu ei insisi ajung mai departe in viata
Am invatat ca viata iti poate fi schimbata in cateva ore
De catre oameni care nici nu te cunosc.
Am invatat ca si atunci cand crezi ca nu mai ai nimic de dat
Cand te striga un prieten vei gasi puterea de a-l ajuta.
Am invatat ca scrisul
Ca si vorbitul
Poate linisti durerile sufletesti
Am invatat ca oamenii la care tii cel mai mult
Iti sunt luati prea repede ...
Am invatat ca este prea greu sa-ti dai seama
Unde sa tragi linie intre a fi amabil, a nu rani oamenii si a-ti sustine parerile.
Am invatat sa iubesc
Ca sa pot sa fiu iubit.

Octavian Paler (n. 2 iulie 1926, Lisa, județul Făgăraș, actualmente în județul Brașov — d. 7 mai 2007, București) a fost un scriitor, jurnalist, editorialist și om politic român.
Da , mai exact , scrisa cu 364 de zile inainte de a pieri dintre noi . Pacat ca s-a stins !


Doi vanatori erau undeva, intr-o padure.

La un moment dat, unul dintre ei se prabuseste la pamant, fara suflare, cu ochii dati peste cap.

Celalalt scoate repede celularul si suna la Salvare.

- Prietenul meu a murit. Ce sa fac? striga el in receptor.

La care operatorul raspunde:

- Mai intai, calmati-va si eu o sa va ajut. Ac...um sa ne asiguram ca e intr-adevar mort.Se lasa tacerea, dupa care se aude zgomotul unei impuscaturi.

Dupa care, tipul pune mina pe telefon si zice:

- OK si acum ce facem?


Într-o zi, o soţie se plînge soţului:
- Dragă, sînt nemulţumită că am sînii mici.
Soţul îi răspunde:
- Ia o bucată de hîrtie igienică, freac-o între sîni şi în cîţiva ani ai să vezi că o să-ţi crească.
- De unde ştii? întreabă mirată soţia.
- Cu fundul a funcţionat, nu-i aşa?


Un locatar urla la administrator:
- Veniti repede, se arunca soacra-mea pe geam!
- Si de ce aveti nevoie de mine?
- Nu poate sa deschida geamul.


Erau Adam si Eva in Paradis,in costumele lor traditionale.

-Eva,ia da sa vad ce ai tu sub frunza...

-A,nu ,nu se poate!!!


Adam ii da cu o bata in cap.Eva lesina,Adam se uita sub frunza si se mira:"Baaa,...unde dai si unde crapa..."

Dupa 3 ore se scoala Eva si ii da la randul ei o bata in cap lui Adam se uita sub fr...unza si zice:

"Ia te uita:unde dai si unde iese cucuiul..."


Taranii dintr-un sat din Ardeal se plang primarului:

- Domnule primar, de cateva saptamani a aparut un om la noi in sat si toate femeile pe care le prinde le f*te.

- Si… nu ati luat masuri?
- Ba da, dar oricum am masura, tot a lui e mai mare!

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Pentru nici una dintre situatii autorii acestui website nu pot fi acuzati de nimic.Pentru eventuale reclamatii va stam la dispozitie cu adresa de e-mail remusvoda@yahoo.com pentru gasirea unei rezolvari pe cale amiabila.

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