[ DESTINATII DE VIS ] Cape Kaliakra

 In drumul cu mașina către litoralul bulgăresc merită să vă opriți, pentru o oră sau două, la Cap Kaliakra, pentru a admira ruinele cetății medievale, rezervația naturală foarte valoroasă și, mai ales, un peisaj unic, datorat stâncilor de culoare roșiatică ce sunt înghițite de marea de un albastru ireal.

Marea Neagră capătă culori incredibile în zilele cu soare în această zonă din nordul Bulgariei. Capul Kaliakra este fâșia de pământ care intră în Marea Neagră de-a lungul a 2 km și are o altitudine de aproape 70 de metri. Se află la aproximativ 50 de km de Vama Veche și, ca să ajungeți acolo, de la Vama Veche mergeți în direcția Varna, apoi către orașul bulgăresc Kavarna și de acolo indicatoarele vă duc, după vreo 12 km, spre Cap Kaliakra.
 Se plătește o taxă de intrare modică,  ( noi am dat 3 leva de persoana , aproximativ 6.5 lei ) există o parcare destul de mare, dar vara este mereu plină. Atenție, este un vânt foarte puternic și soare, așa că protejați-vă de razele fierbinți și luați-vă apă la voi.

Capul Caliacra (în bulgară Калиакра - Kaliakra) este un monument al naturii din Dobrogea bulgărească (Cadrilaterul), cuprinzând o cetate medievală și o rezervație naturală.
Pe vremea dacilor se ridica aici o cetate numită Tirizis. Grecii au redenumit-o Kali Akra însemnând "bun adăpost" (față de vânturile din nord-est), denumire păstrată până în epoca bizantină și preluată de turci sub forma Celigra. În sec. al XIV-lea, Despotatul Dobrogei și-a stabilit aici capitala sa, în timp ce călugării au transformat peșterile din faleză în schit.

În anul 1396 cetatea a fost asediată de turci și salvată prin intervenția voievozilor munteni, dar în 1421 ea a fost cucerită și distrusă. Legenda locală spune că 40 de fecioare s-au aruncat de pe faleză în mare ca să nu fie prinse de turci. Cetatea a fost ruinată definitiv, cisternele fiind distruse în acest război și în cele care au urmat.
Între anii 1913-1916 și 1918-1940, capul a făcut parte din județul Caliacra, România. În anii 1930, naturalistul român Grigore Antipa a întemeiat aici o stațiune de cercetări zoologice marine a Institutului Bio-Oceanografic din Constanța, care după război a adăpostit un pluton de grăniceri bulgari și ale cărei ruine se mai văd încă la dreapta șoselei care duce la cetate, la un kilometru spre apus de aceasta.
În anii 1950 a fost instalat aici un radar militar al forțelor Pactului de la Varșovia (azi al forțelor NATO).

Capul Kaliakra face parte dintr-o rezervație naturală valoroasă, o zonă în care se întâlnesc specii rare de păsări și pești. Aici se pot vizita ruinele Cetății Kaliakra, ce datează din vremea dacilor și care a fost cucerită și distrusă de turci în secolul al XV-lea. Există și o legendă, conform căreia 40 de fecioare s-au aruncat atunci de pe stânci în mare, pentru a nu cădea pradă turcilor.

Merită să vizitați Capul Kaliakra, mai ales pentru peisajul încântător. Nuanțele de albastru ale Mării Negre, valurile care se izbesc cu forță de stâncile roșiatice, întinderea mării în orice parte privești, senzația de izolare, de depărtare și ruinele cetății formează un tablou perfect.

Foarte aproape de Capul Kaliakra se află și ferma de scoici Dalboka!

[ DOCUMENTAR ] Cristofor Columb – Epoca descoperirilor

În timpul secolelor XV și XVI, liderii mai multor națiuni europene au sponsorizat expediții în străinătate în speranța că exploratorii vor găsi mari bogății și terenuri vaste nedescoperite. Portughezii au fost primii participanți la acestă “cursă a descoperirilor.” Din anul 1420, mici nave portugheze, cunoscute sub numele de caravele, au împânzit coasta africană, transportând spre Europa mirodenii, aur, robi și alte bunuri din Asia și Africa.

Acesta este un film documentar despre exploratorul Cristofor Columb, europeanul care a făcut patru călătorii peste Oceanul Atlantic din Spania: în 1492, 1493, 1498 și 1502. Columb era hotărât să găsească o rută marină directă spre vest din Europa în Asia, ceea ce nu a realizat niciodată. În schimb, a dat accidental peste America. Deși nu a “descoperit” Lumea Nouă – milioane de oameni deja locuiau acolo – călătoriile sale au marcat un  început de secole de colonizare și cuceriri transatlantice.

Sau link 

Cristofor Columb – Epoca descoperirilor  


[ DESTINATII DE VIS ] Templul din Aspendos

Templul din Aspendos este astazi cel mai bine conservat monument de acest tip al lumii antice, un poem inghetat in piatra, care poate gazdui pana la 7.000 de persoane.

Acum urmeaza partea aia cu scurt istoric despre care va spuneam la inceput. Daca nu va place istoria, cititi cu ochii inchisi :))
Orasul a fost fondat de catre greci. A fost ocupat de catre Alexandru cel Mare, in momentul in care au refuzat sa plateasca dari catre acesta, dupa care a fost cedat romanilor. Daca grecii au pus accent pe artele frumoase, muzica, pictura, teatru, romanii au schimbat putin mersul lucrurilor cu artele mai crude, adica luptele cu gladiatori. Aceasta este varianta scurta, scurta. Nu avea rost sa va aglomerez „citeala” cu ani si amanunte, pe care oricum nici eu nu le-am tinut minte.
Aspendos este renumit pentru 3 lucruri: apeductul roman, care la inaltimea sa de sute de metri, transporta (pe vremea romanilor), apa de la kilometri distanta, teatrul roman care este al treilea ca marime din Europa si cel mai mare din Asia Mica, si cel mai mare centru de fabricare a bijuteriilor din Turcia. Pe primele doua le-am vazut, fabrica de bijuuri, ba. 

Pentru vizitarea teatrului roman, intrarea se face cu bilete sub forma de cartele, ca la metrou. Nu stiu cat au costat (biletele, pt carcotasi) pt ca intrarea a fost inclusa in pretul excursiei.
Teatrul roman este unul dintre cele mai bine conservate teatre antice din lume si aici se desfasoara inca spectacole. Constructia sa a fost ordonata de catre imparatul Marcus Aurelius si locul ales a fost coasta unei coline. Este renumit pentru acustica deosebita. Aceasta s-a obtinut prin saparea in forma concava a bancilor de piatra ale amfiteatrului, la nivelul picioarelor. Locul unde este asa zisa scena, pe vremea romanilor, era mai adanc cu 3 metri, a fost inaltat intre timp, mai aproape de vremurile noastre. A fost folosit pe rand ca teatru, fortareata, caravansaray, palat. Datorita acestor multiple utilizari, structura sa a suferit modificari aduse de catre arhitectii/constructorii vremurilor respective.
Am ajuns acolo pe la ora 11, erau deja 200 de grade, nici un nor si foarte multi elevi. Ghidul ne-a explicat ca statul turc are un program gratuit, pentru elevi si studenti, de vizitare/invatare despre istoria tarii. Tot respectul pt asta.
Am intrat, ghidul ne-a dat cateva informatii, pe care in cea mai mare parte vi le-am spus, iar apoi ne-a lasat 30 min sa vizitam de capul nostru. Binenteles ca am urcat pana sus la arcade, destul de greu pt ca treptele era inegale, tocite lucios si alunecos. De sus privelistea a fost minunata, mi-am inchipuit cum s-ar auzi un spectacol de opera acolo sau o lupta intre gladiatori si leii tinuti in cusca nemancati de saptamani (asa ne-a spus ghidul, cruzime la maxim). Blocurile de piatra, granit, calcar din care a fost construit, aveau culori si structuri diferite. A rezultat un tot mozaicat, pe care o sa-l vedeti in fotografii. Jumatatea de ora a trecut foarte repede, eu era inca cocotata la nivelul galeriilor, de unde am coborat in pasul strengarului.


Aspendos or Aspendus was an ancient Greco-Roman city in Antalya province of Turkey. The it is located seven kilometers notheast of cenral Serik. Aspendos is the third largest after the city of Perge and Sida in Pamphylia. Presently, Aspednos is famous for its impressive Roman Theater, the best preserved in Asia Minor. The theater was constructed in the 2nd century AD by the architect Zeno during the reign of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in 161-180 AD on the south-east slope of the hill on which the ancient city was developed. 

[ DOCUMENTAR ] Țesătura universului – Ce este spațiul?

Filmul documentar Țesătura universului – Ce este spațiul? este excepțional atât din punctul de vedere al expunerii clare a informațiilor, cât și din punctul de vedere al modului în care se utilizează grafica video în vederea facilitării înțelegerii acestor informații și pentru a le face cât mai accesibile.

 Fizicianul Brian Greene ne dezvăluie un… “secret”: “Ne-am înșelat cu toții. Percepțiile noastre de timp și spațiu ne-au dus în eroare. O mare parte din ceea ce credeam că știm despre Universul nostru – faptul că trecutul s-a întâmplat deja și că viitorul e ceva ce va fi, faptul că spațiul este doar un vid gol, că universul nostru este singurul univers care există – toate acestea ar putea fi greșite.”

Documentarul face conexiuni foarte importante între teorii, experimente cu rezultate surprinzătoare și metafore imaginative deosebite, care îl fac unul dintre cele mai bine realizate filme din domeniul fizicii moderne. Chiar dacă la școală nu ați fost printre “fanii” fizicii, acest film vă va captiva, cu siguranță.
(Sursa: Universul meu)

Link film : 

Țesătura universului – Ce este spatiul?


[ DOCUMENTAR ] Wilhelm Reich – Dreptul omului de a ști

Această Wilhelm Reich Wilhelm Reich   Dreptul omului de a știbiografie introductivă despre doctorul Wilhelm Reich a fost produsă de către Fundația “Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust” în 2002, atât ca deschidere a Muzeului Wilhelm Reich, cât și ca un instrument educațional pentru un public mai larg. Documetarul oferă o privire de ansamblu asupra vieții incredibile și operei unice a lui Reich.
Compus din fotografii de arhivă și imagini filmate, plus animații de calculator, această biografie nu este concepută ca un substitut pentru opera lui Wilhelm Reich, ci mai degrabă ca o introducere ușor de înțeles, pas cu pas, în viața sa, precum și în munca de cercetare a energiei orgonice.

Plăcerea de a trăi și plăcerea orgasmului sunt identice. Anxietatea orgasmică extremă este baza fricii de viață. Wilhelm Reich
De asemenea, filmul documentar descrie, succint, campania sistematică de distrugere a muncii lui Wilhelm Reich de către autoritățile americane, săvârșită de Food and Drug Administration, care a ordonat arderea tuturor lucrărilor din biblioteca și laboratorul savantului. Doctorul Wilhelm Reich a murit în închisoare la 3 noiembrie 1957, în condiții suspecte, cu o zi înainte să fie eliberat condiționat. Administrația penitenciarului a refuzat efectuarea autopsiei.

Link film : 

Wilhelm Reich – Dreptul omului de a sti 


10 Jobs That Pay Well Without College Degree

Were you told you need to go to a 4 years university in order to land a high paying career?
If you’re looking for a high paying job that doesn’t require a college degree, check out these 10 potential career options:
01. Alaskan Crab Fisherman
Job description: As far as high paying jobs without college go, Alaskan crab fishing has to be near the top of the list. Once at the top of the list of most dangerous jobs, Alaskan crab fishing has gotten significantly safer in recent years, and more profitable as well. Thanks to new government regulations and quotas, this profession that saw an average of 7.3 fatalities per year in the 1990s experienced only 1 death in the past 6 years.
Alaskan crab fishermen (Photo Credit — gillfoto)

Average salary:$27,000 for approx. 2 months of work.
Top 10% salary: $100,000+
Job description — As far as high paying jobs without college go, Alaskan crab fishing has to be near the top of the list. Once at the top of the list of most dangerous jobs, Alaskan crab fishing has gotten significantly safer in recent years, and more profitable as well. Thanks to new government regulations and quotas, this profession that saw an average of 7.3 fatalities per year in the 1990s experienced only 1 death in the past 6 years.
Alaskan Crab fisherman only work for around 4-8 weeks of the year during the king and snow crab seasons, but this can involve long shifts of 21 hours on average. It can also involve grueling, arduous physical work that includes:
Setting and retrieving crab pots
Sorting the catch and returning small catch into the ocean
Removing dead crabs from the tank
Cleaning and maintaining the deck of the ship
Experience and training: No formal experience required, though crab fisherman usually need to work a few seasons as a deckhand before becoming a fisherman who shares in the crew’s profits.
Additional qualifications: Alaskan crab fisherman need to be extremely physically fit to manipulate the heavy crab pots and perform physical labor for long shifts, often up to 21 hours. Mental toughness is also a must. 09 more after the break...

02. Air Traffic Controller
Job description: Air traffic controllers direct the movement of air traffic and help planes land and take off safely. They’re responsible for coordinating flight schedules, issuing take-off and landing instructions to pilots, authorizing flight path changes, offering weather updates, and co-ordinating with airport staff in cases of emergency. While the pay is significant, it can be a demanding, stressful position that requires strong mental acuity.
Air traffic controllers (Photo Credit — Wikipedia)

Average salary: $108,040
Top 10% salary: $165,660+
Job description — Air traffic controllers direct the movement of air traffic and help planes land and take off safely. They’re responsible for coordinating flight schedules, issuing take-off and landing instructions to pilots, authorizing flight path changes, offering weather updates, and co-ordinating with airport staff in cases of emergency. While the pay is significant, it can be a demanding, stressful position that requires strong mental acuity.
Experience and training: Air traffic controllers must complete an air traffic management degree from an FAA certified school, past the pre-employment test, and complete an FAA training course. Prospective air traffic controllers also need to be under 31 years old, unless they’ve had previous experience in the military.
Job prospects (New positions expected in 2010-2020): -800

03. Elevator Installers and Repairers
 Elevator repairers (Photo Credit — Billso PHOTO)

Average salary: $70,910
Top 10% salary: $101,390+
Job description — Elevator installers and repairers install, repair and maintain elevators, escalators, moving walkways, and even chairlifts. Installers generally follow standard procedures to install elevator and escalators, while repairers focus more on troubleshooting and preventative maintenance such as greasing and oiling parts, replacing old and worn parts, and running diagnostics on computerized systems.
Experience and training: Elevator installers and repairers need a high school diploma or a GED. The majority of their training is through a 4 year apprenticeship program, where apprentices must perform at least 2,000 hours of on-the-job training as well as 144 hours of technical instruction. In order to qualify for an apprenticeship, potential apprentices usually need to pass basic aptitude tests in math, reading, and mechanical skills.
Job prospects (New positions expected in 2010-2020): 2,300

04. Power Plant Operators Distributors and Dispatchers
Job description: Power plant operators, distributors, and dispatchers work in power plant facilities to ensure that they’re generating electricity and distributing it to the grid. Some of their duties include.
 Power plant operators (Photo Credit — Wikipedia)

Average salary: $65,360
Top 10% salary: $88,330+
Job description — Power plant operators, distributors, and dispatchers work in power plant facilities to ensure that they’re generating electricity and distributing it to the grid. Some of their duties include:
  • Starting or stopping generators, turbines, and other equipment
  • Controlling power-generating euipmqnet
  • Monitor power flow by reading gauges and charts
  • Regulating power flow
  • Checking equipment and indicators and looking for signs of operating problems
  • Experience and training: Power plant operators, dispatchers, and distributors need at least a High school diploma or GED. They also need to undergo long-term, rigorous on-the-job training and technical instruction. The training process can take several years before the worker is fully qualified. Once qualified, operators still need to take regular training courses to keep up to date on technical systems and procedures. They also need to pass the appropriate licensing exam, which depends on the type of power reactor they’re working on.

Job prospects (New positions expected in 2010-2020):-1,100

05. Locomotive Engineer
Locomotive Engineer
Locomotive engineer (Photo Credit — Wikipedia)

Average salary: $52,940
Top 10% salary: $79,340
Job description — Locomotive engineers drive trains. These might be electric, diesel-electric, gas-trubine-electric, or steam locomotives. They interpret train orders from headquarters, follow railroad regulations, and ensure that their train runs smoothly, safely, and on-time.
Experience and training: High school diploma or GED is required, though this depends on the rail company. Locomotive engineers generally need to start by working as a train conductor for a number of years. Locomotive engineers usually receive around 2-3 months of on-the-job training before they’re permitted to operate a train on their own. Railroad companies also provided additional training that allows engineers to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date. Depending on the type of train, locomotive engineers may also need to apply for additional licensing. All locomotive engineers must be certified by the Federal Railroad Administration (FAA).
Job prospects (New positions expected in 2010-2020): 500

06. Real Estate Broker
 Real estate broker (Photo Credit — Jerad Hill Photographer)

Average salary: $54,910
Top 10% salary: $95,220+
Job description — Real estate brokers help clients sell, buy, and rent real estate. They manage every aspect of the sale, including marketing, determining market prices, advising clients on mortgages, prices, market conditions, handling negotiations, filing the right paperwork, and much more. In addition, they’re also licensed to manage their own brokerage firms, allowing them to hire sales agents to work for them.
Experience and training: Real estate brokers need a high school diploma or GED. They must also pass the licensing course/exam in their jurisdiction. To obtain the brokers license, most jurisdictions also require that potential brokers work for at least 1-3 years as real estate sales agents before applying for licensing.
Job prospects (New positions expected in 2010-2020): 52,500

07. Home Aides Supervisor
Home Aides Supervisor
 Home health aide (Photo Credit — Wikipedia)

Average salary: $63,400
Job description — Home aide supervisors manage home health aides and ensure that they’re delivering a high level of care for their patients. They’re also responsible for hiring and training new health aides and managing patient care.
Experience and training: No high school diploma necessary. Home aide supervisors usually start off working as home health aides themselves.
Additional qualifications: Home aide supervisors need to be good with people, compassionate, patient, and cheerful.

08. Casino Gaming Manager
Casino gaming managers are responsible for co-ordinating the action on the gaming floor. This can include managing security operations, managing dealers, setting policies, resolving customer complaints, and ensuring that operations are running smoothly and profitably.
 Casino (Photo Credit — Wikipedia)

Average salary: $67,400
Job description — Casino gaming managers are responsible for co-ordinating the action on the gaming floor. This can include managing security operations, managing dealers, setting policies, resolving customer complaints, and ensuring that operations are running smoothly and profitably.
Experience and training: There are no formal education requirements, but some employers might want casino managers to have at least a 2 year associates degree. Specific requirements will depend on each casino operator and local state rules. All casino workers need to be licensed from a state regulatory board. Most managers start working as entry-level casino gaming workers, and need to be familiar with the ins-and-outs of casino operations before being promoted.
Additional qualifications: Communication skills are paramount. Casino managers need to have an outgoing personality and must have the patience to remain calm even when dealing with irate or demanding customers.

09. Ship Captain
Ship captains command water vessels. This can range from small fishing boats, to tugboats or ferry boats, to private yachts, and even large cruise ships or military vessels. Ship captains must navigate their ship and manage crew members to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the ship.
 Ship captain (Photo Credit — Wikipedia)

Average salary: $64,180
Top 10% salary: $99,690+
Job description — Ship captains command water vessels. This can range from small fishing boats, to tugboats or ferry boats, to private yachts, and even large cruise ships or military vessels. Ship captains must navigate their ship and manage crew members to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the ship.
Experience and training: Ship captains almost always start off as deck hands or officers before being promoted to captain. Deck hands often have at least a bachelor’s degree in marine transportation, where they learn about seamanship, navigation, and maritime business. Ship captains also undergo an apprenticeship under another ship captain, and must also obtain Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) and Transportation Worker Identification Certification (TWIC) from the United States Coast Guard.
Job prospects (New positions expected in 2010-2020): 16,700

10. In-Flight Service Manager
The in-flight service manager is the flight attendant in charge of the cabin. They’re responsible for managing flight attendants and ensuring that customers receive a comfortable experience while in the air. They’re also responsible for ensuring that the cabin is safe for take off and landing.
Flight attendant (Photo Credit — Wikipedia)

Average salary: $72,200
Job description — The in-flight service manager is the flight attendant in charge of the cabin. They’re responsible for managing flight attendants and ensuring that customers receive a comfortable experience while in the air. They’re also responsible for ensuring that the cabin is safe for take off and landing.
Experience and training: High school diploma or GED is required. On the job training is provided by the airline. In-flight service managers are promoted from flight attendant.
Job prospects (New positions expected in 2010-2020): -200

Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes

With the sorry state of today’s economy, more and more men are finding themselves on the lookout for new career opportunities. Unfortunately, landing a new and desirable job is easier said than done. In addition to needing a stellar resume, you also have to beat out a rising tide of qualified candidates in the dreaded interview process. Luckily for you, we can help. Learn hw to land a new position by reading our comprehensive list of the top 10 job interview mistakes.
“When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges.”
- Jack Handy

Just because your interview may be scheduled for Casual Friday, it doesn’t mean that you can show up in jeans and an untucked shirt. Regardless of the job you’re applying for, it’s important to dress for success by wearing a subdued suit and tie with a minimal amount of bodacious bling. Conversely, it’s also important not to overdress. Waltzing into your interview looking like the Monopoly Man may make your prospective employer think that you’re failing to take the process seriously. Play it safe and leave your top hat and tails at home.
10. Dressing Down

Just because your interview may be scheduled for Casual Friday, it doesn’t mean that you can show up in jeans and an untucked shirt. Regardless of the job you’re applying for, it’s important to dress for success by wearing a subdued suit and tie with a minimal amount of bodacious bling. Conversely, it’s also important not to overdress. Waltzing into your interview looking like the Monopoly Man may make your prospective employer think that you’re failing to take the process seriously. Play it safe and leave your top hat and tails at home.

In today’s digital age, it’s nearly impossible to get away with lies and embellishments on your resume, so don’t even bother trying to pump yourself with fabricated claims. After all, it’s only a matter of time before a new employer discovers that you didn’t actually win eight gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games or that you didn’t personally broker a Mid-East cease fire agreement during your summer vacation. Lying during your interview can be grounds for dismissal later on -- and that’s no lie.
09. Lying

In today’s digital age, it’s nearly impossible to get away with lies and embellishments on your resume, so don’t even bother trying to pump yourself with fabricated claims. After all, it’s only a matter of time before a new employer discovers that you didn’t actually win eight gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games or that you didn’t personally broker a Mid-East cease fire agreement during your summer vacation. Lying during your interview can be grounds for dismissal later on -- and that’s no lie.

No one wants to hire a malcontent, so be prepared to bite your tongue when the interviewer invariably asks you about your previous employer. Speaking negatively about your last job -- even if it involved sorting monkey feces or taste-testing expired dairy products -- will give the interviewer the impression that you’re a difficult person to get along with.
 08. Badmouthing your Past Employer

No one wants to hire a malcontent, so be prepared to bite your tongue when the interviewer invariably asks you about your previous employer. Speaking negatively about your last job -- even if it involved sorting monkey feces or taste-testing expired dairy products -- will give the interviewer the impression that you’re a difficult person to get along with.

Everyone wants to make a good first impression, but there’s a fine line between developing a good rapport with your interviewer and becoming too familiar. Always address your interviewer by their last name, unless directed otherwise, and treat them in a courteous manner. Bear in mind that a job interview also isn’t the place to try out your stand-up routine, so ditch your opening line about the best thing about a redneck family fight (it’s the make-up sex, of course), and concentrate instead on coming across as a serious and responsible employee. There will be plenty of time to make jokes in the lunch room once you actually land the job.
07. Being too Chummy

Everyone wants to make a good first impression, but there’s a fine line between developing a good rapport with your interviewer and becoming too familiar. Always address your interviewer by their last name, unless directed otherwise, and treat them in a courteous manner. Bear in mind that a job interview also isn’t the place to try out your stand-up routine, so ditch your opening line about the best thing about a redneck family fight (it’s the make-up sex, of course), and concentrate instead on coming across as a serious and responsible employee. There will be plenty of time to make jokes in the lunch room once you actually land the job.

Contrary to popular belief, a job interview isn’t all about you. It’s also a chance to learn about the ins and outs of the company you’re hoping to join. Be prepared to zip your lips for minutes at a time or otherwise you may come across as domineering and needy. It’s also important to be careful about the subjects you discuss. Although your interviewer will be interested in hearing about your past accomplishments and aspirations, they probably don’t need to hear about your bearded lady fetish or the fact that you experience a burning sensation every time you pee.
06. Saying too much

Contrary to popular belief, a job interview isn’t all about you. It’s also a chance to learn about the ins and outs of the company you’re hoping to join. Be prepared to zip your lips for minutes at a time or otherwise you may come across as domineering and needy. It’s also important to be careful about the subjects you discuss. Although your interviewer will be interested in hearing about your past accomplishments and aspirations, they probably don’t need to hear about your bearded lady fetish or the fact that you experience a burning sensation every time you pee.

Chances are you’ll have several days to prepare for your interview, so make the most of your time by learning about the company. If it's publicly traded, read the most recent 10-Q filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. If the company is privately held, start with its website. The time before your interview is also the perfect occasion to update your resume, so take the time to weed out all of those references who are currently serving time in a federal correctional institution.
05. Not knowing enough about the employer

Chances are you’ll have several days to prepare for your interview, so make the most of your time by learning about the company. If it's publicly traded, read the most recent 10-Q filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. If the company is privately held, start with its website. The time before your interview is also the perfect occasion to update your resume, so take the time to weed out all of those references who are currently serving time in a federal correctional institution.

Just as you should never ask a woman her age, it’s also considered to be in bad taste to discuss salary and benefits until you’ve been offered the job. Bringing up the topic too soon will convince the interviewer that you have little interest in the job beyond a monthly paycheck and your standard two weeks of vacation time.
04. Discussing benefits too soon

Just as you should never ask a woman her age, it’s also considered to be in bad taste to discuss salary and benefits until you’ve been offered the job. Bringing up the topic too soon will convince the interviewer that you have little interest in the job beyond a monthly paycheck and your standard two weeks of vacation time.

Only a small percentage of candidates ever make it to the interview stage, so try to relax and enjoy the ride. Be prepared to be grilled for up to an hour and avoid glancing at your watch or asking how long the interview will last, since it gives the impression that you're late for a far more important date.
03. Rushing the Interview

Only a small percentage of candidates ever make it to the interview stage, so try to relax and enjoy the ride. Be prepared to be grilled for up to an hour and avoid glancing at your watch or asking how long the interview will last, since it gives the impression that you're late for a far more important date.

Modesty may be a virtue, but it won’t help you land a job. Your interview is the chance for you to shine, so shelve your humility and highlight your strengths and accomplishments -- just make sure to focus on those accomplishments that are most relevant to the position for which you’re applying. After all, the interviewer probably doesn’t have to know about your ability to shotgun a dozen beers or the fact that you’re the state’s largest owner of Michael Bolton memorabilia.
02. Being overly Modest

Modesty may be a virtue, but it won’t help you land a job. Your interview is the chance for you to shine, so shelve your humility and highlight your strengths and accomplishments -- just make sure to focus on those accomplishments that are most relevant to the position for which you’re applying. After all, the interviewer probably doesn’t have to know about your ability to shotgun a dozen beers or the fact that you’re the state’s largest owner of Michael Bolton memorabilia. 

A job interview isn’t a party, so arriving casually late won’t score you any points. Make sure to show up 10-15 minutes in advance and notify a receptionist upon your arrival. Getting to your interview early will allow you to familiarize yourself with a foreign environment, and if you’re lucky, the waiting room may even have magazines from this decade.
01. Arriving Late

A job interview isn’t a party, so arriving casually late won’t score you any points. Make sure to show up 10-15 minutes in advance and notify a receptionist upon your arrival. Getting to your interview early will allow you to familiarize yourself with a foreign environment, and if you’re lucky, the waiting room may even have magazines from this decade.

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Photos — © iStockPhoto.com

[ DESTINATII DE VIS ] More Hidden Street Art on Fences by Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating have been leaving their mark across the globe, particularly on railings in public spaces. Their elusive graffiti work offers an entertaining surprise for viewers from specific angles.

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

The pair of street artists present incredibly realistic renditions of human figures across their spaced public canvas. Despite being out in the open for anyone to take notice of their work, it's quite easy to miss if you're not paying attention to your surroundings. In a way, their art is a reminder to keep your eyes open and take in your environment. There's a lot of world to appreciate and Zebrating adds another rewarding element to the public landscape. Be sure to check out a video of the creative duo applying one of their anamorphic pieces to a railing, below.

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Art on Railing by Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Links — 1 2 3 4

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