Time / AP
26-year-old founder of social online network Facebook and its executive director - the youngest billionaire in the world. December 15, 2010 Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, is depicted on the cover of Time magazine edition of "Man of the Year 2010". At 26, Zuckerberg - The youngest deserved this title after the aviator Charles Lindenberg, whom the status of "Man of the Year" was awarded in 1927, when he was 25 years old.

2. December 14, 2010 Zuckerberg is the California Hall of Fame. He gained fame not only as the youngest billionaire in the world, but also as an outstanding newcomer in the world of philanthropy. This year, he vowed to donate $ 100 million on the development of public schools in Newark, New Jersey.
Pool / Reuters
3. October 5, 2010 In the main administration Facebook in Palo Alto, California. Zuckerberg commented on his page on Facebook: «The title of" Man of the Year "- it's a real honor and recognition of how our team is not numerous creates what hundreds of millions of people trying to use to make the world more open and more united. I am happy that I am a part of it. "
Paul Sakuma / AP
4. October 5, 2010 Zuckerberg launched the first version of Facebook from his dorm room at Harvard. Senior students have filed suit, claiming he stole their idea - a charge which was the main idea of the movie "Social Networks", published in 2010.
Paul Sakuma / AP
5. September 25, 2010 At a press conference on the donation of $ 100 million to develop public schools of Newark, to Zuckerberg joined Newark Mayor Cory A. Brooker (left) and Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie.
Gary He / AP
6. August 8, 2010 During a press conference in Palo Alto, Calif., Zuckerberg is watching as a software developer Ben Facebook Gertsfild beat the gong to mark start «Places» - a new social networking features based on location.
Tony Avelar / AP
7. April 21, 2010 Facebook, which began as a small network, available only for college students, has grown to the scale of the site, costing billions of dollars, and claims the attendance of 500 million regular users.

Marcio Jose Sanchez / AP
8. July 23, 2008 During a conference in San Francisco in 2008 to develop a Facebook f8, Zuckerberg shows option Facebook Connect. This technology allows Facebook users to start using any site on the Internet without additional registration.
Eric Risberg / AP
9. July 23, 2008 Editor of Time magazine, Richard Stengel called Zuckerberg a central figure in world development, which has caused "erosion of faith in authority, decentralization of power and at the same time, possibly growing faith in each other."
Eric Risberg / AP
10. November 6, 2007 "Man of the Year" according to "Time" - a person or event who are most influenced the development of culture and media in a given year, for better or for worse.

Craig Ruttle / AP
11. February 5, 2007 In the Personal Information page Zuckerberg on Facebook you can read the following words: "I try to make the world more open."
Paul Sakuma / AP
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