[ FOTO ] Top 10 Biggest Oil Producer Countries of the World

10. Nigeria
09. Brazil

Crude production: 2.75 million barrels per day
Share of world production: 3.2%
Daily crude exports to the US: 271,000 barrels
Proven reserves: 12.8 billion barrels

United Arab Emirates

Crude production: 2.81 million barrels per day
Share of world production: 3.3%
Daily crude exports to the US: 10,000 barrels*
Proven reserves: 97.8 billion barrels

07. Mexico

Crude production: 2.88 million barrels per day
Share of world production: 3.39%
Daily crude exports to the US: 1.22 million barrels
Proven reserves: 10.4 billion barrels

06. Canada

Crude production: 3.7 million barrels per day
Share of world production: 4.3%
Daily crude exports to the US: 2.06 million barrels
Proven reserves: 175.2 billion barrels

05. Iran

Crude production: 4.2 million barrels per day
Share of world production: 4.9%
Daily crude exports to the US: 0
Proven reserves: 137.6 billion barrels

04. China

Crude production: 4.26 million barrels per day
Share of world production: 5.0%
Daily crude exports to the US: 8,000 barrels
Proven reserves: 20.4 billion barrels

03. United States

Crude production: 8.85 million barrels per day
Share of world production: 10.4%
Total crude imports: 8.63 million barrels per day
Proven reserves: 19.2 billion barrels

02. Russia

Crude production: 9.91 million barrels per day
Share of world production: 11.6%
Daily crude exports to the US: 158,000 barrels
Proven reserves: 60 billion barrels

01. Saudi Arabia

Crude production: 10.3 million barrels per day
Share of world production: 12.1%
Daily crude exports to the US: 1.08 million barrels
Proven reserves: 259.9 billion barrels

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