[ FOTO ] DESTINATII DE VIS : Eco-House — Naomi Campbell

Billionaire Vladislav Doronin gave to his black girlfriend, supermodel house on one of the Turkish islands. He repeats their outlines an ancient Egyptian symbol - the eye of Horus.
The house was designed by Spanish architect Luis de Garrido. According to de Garrido, he was not restricted in any media or in the imagination....

The house was designed by Spanish architect Luis de Garrido. According to de Garrido, he was not restricted in any media or in the imagination.

In a huge building - at least five spacious salons and drawing rooms 25 bedrooms. Multi-level central dome home is a perfect hemisphere and rests on a steel frame. Under the dome in the atrium, a spacious terrace with panoramic landscape views.

Glass panels can, depending on time of day, to admire the starry sky over your head, or bask in the gentle rays of sunlight, and this occurs when the greenhouse effect contributes to the natural heating of the building. For protection from the scorching heat in the hot season use built-in tilt blinds and additional "outlet" for effective ventilation.

Thanks to the huge solar panels, an elaborate system of rainwater harvesting and wastewater treatment, the house is completely autonomous. It can accumulate and very sparingly large amounts of electricity and drinking water does not pollute the environment.

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