[ FOTO ] Fenhuan – One of the Ten Most Beautiful Towns in China

Fenhuan considered one of the 10 most beautiful cities in China. The city was founded during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Originally the town was inhabited by soldiers sent to subdue the local Miao people. Check out the pictures given below. 27 more images after the break...

 The old city walls
 On these boats in the warmer weather rolled tourists. In the cold, wishing it was a little bit.

 The Chinese have no respect for washing machines, but everywhere there is a centrifuge for spinning. When we have a couple of times looking for a hostel in the laundry, then we were offered to wash by hand. Price hand-washing about 70 yuan ($ 10).
 This woman is resistant to all weather, all day sitting at a Buddhist temple.
 the local means of transportation through the narrow streets.

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