[ FOTO ] Jennifer Lopez — Candids in Peru

Busily putting together material for her latest project,  Jennifer Lopez took to the streets of Lima, Peru to shoot her TV show "Q'Viva: The Chosen" on Saturday (December 2). Swapping in and out of an array of ensembles, the recently-divorced 42-year-old left her hotel and headed down to the Barranco area - where she at one point showed off her high heeled soccer skills as she joined a group of children in kicking around a ball. Miss Lopez also made sure to keep her loyal followers in the know on her doings, tweeting during the course of the day, “I arrived in Peru and I’m very excited because I hope to discover big talent for QViva." As for her TV program - which is a joint effort with ex-husband Marc Anthony - it sees the pair travel throughout Latin America in search of contestants willing and able to represent their countries in competing for the crown of next best entertainer.

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