[ FOTO ] DESTINATII DE VIS : La hotel , in Namibia !

Hotel in the heart of Namibia's Wildlife

 Wolwedans Dunes Lodge Hotel is located in the heart of the private nature reserve area of 185.000 hectares NamibRand in Namibia.  Treat yourself to an unforgettable stay, surrounded by wild nature, not forgetting about the comfort and style. Wooden construction with panoramic views of the desert in all directions, reminiscent of an original camp, but at the same time provide protection and comfort. Each of the nine spacious chalets with en suite and private terrace. In the main building are two lounges, a library, an outdoor fireplace, three restaurants, a wine cellar and swimming pool. Wolwedans Dunes Lodge. If you love nature and seek a peaceful and interesting to cleanse the mind and soul, Wolwedans Dunes Lodge - this is what you need.  

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