[ FOTO ] Crazy Africans

Truly radical piece of ladder application engineering. Possible one of the craziest wish entries we have seen in some time. The men are painting the church clock tower in the northern town of Mussian, (South Africa) on the border with Zimbabwe. The first glimpse looks bad enough, the man is clearly on a  long ladder at some height and trying to rub down and paint.The ladder is though longer than you might think, the one the man is on is not resting on the ground....

It is in fact balanced on a cantilever arm created out of planks with a human counterweight sitting on them while ' footing' the ladder with a rope. If you thought that was crazy it doesn't  end there, back up a little and you see the it goes on...

What ingenuity! the chances of this going wrong are about as high as they go, In fact we wonder which route up the ladder our man took? Did he climb the outward facing second stage? or did he clamber over the human counterweight? 

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