[ FOTO ] Trees Cocooned in Spiders Webs

An unexpected side-effect of the fl00ding in parts of Pakistan has been that millions of spiders climbed up into the trees to escape the rising flood waters. Because of the scale of the fl00ding and the fact that the water has taken so long to recede, many trees have become cocooned in spiders webs. People in this part of Sindh have never seen this phenonemon before – but they also report that there are now less mosquitos than they would expect, given the amoungt of stagnant, standing water that is around. It is thought that the mosquitos are getting caught in the spiders web thus reducing the risk of malaria, which would be one blessing for the people of Sindh, facing so many other hardships after the fl00ds. UK aid – in response to the Pakistan fl00ds – is helping millions of survivors return home and rebuild their lives.

Photos: Russell Watkins/Department for International Development
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