[ VIDEO ] Alex Jones dezvăluie Planul Google de dominare a Internetului

Noul browser de la Google (Chrome 17, ultima versiune lansata) contine in codul sau algoritmi ce vor fi folositi la impunerea Acordului Comercial de Combatere a Contrafacerii (pe scurt ACTA, despre care vorbeste toata lumea). Daca nu sunteti de acord cu ACTA, daca nu sunteti de acord cu eliminarea intimitatii, daca nu sunteti de acord cu stoparea schimbului liber de informatii pe internet atunci nu folositi acest nou browser si dati acest mail la toti cunoscutii.
Cei de la Google vor nega, evident, aceste informatii, insa hackerii de la Anonymous (cei care au spart de curand serverele NASA) au intrat in posesia unor dovezi care arata clar faptul ca noul browser este gandit special pentru a “fura” informatii despre utilizatori (ce site-uri vizitati, ce downloadati, ce aveti instalat in calculator etc).

Cea mai buna dovada este lansarea in graba a noilor versiuni. Google Crome 16 a fost lansat in decembrie 2011, Google Chome 17 in februarie 2012 (la nici macar doua luni distanta !!!). Se pregateste Google Chrome 18 (e in versiune beta acum), iar Google Chrome 19 este deja in versiune dev. Rapiditatea cu care se succed lansarile nu arata decat faptul ca ei se adapteaza noilor “cerinte” de violare a intimitatii.

Nu este o teorie a conspiratiei, ci doar o demascare facuta de grupul de hackeri Anonymous: nu folositi Google Chrome si forwardati acest mail la toti prietenii.

ACTA = violarea intimitatii. 
Citeşte Articolul: http://oasteadigitala.com/2012/01/22/alex-jones-dezvaluie-planul-google-de-do...

Adevărul despre Iuri Gagarin

Pe 12 aprilie 1961, Iuri Gagarin a fost primul cosmonaut, primul om care a părăsit atmosfera Pământului într-o rachetă. Zborul lui a durat doar 108 minute, dar la sfârșit a devenit unul din cei mai celebri oameni din istorie.
La întoarcere, surâsul său cucerea inima oamenilor de pe întregul glob. Alături de protectorul său, Nikita Hrușciov, Gagarin simboliza un nou început pentru Uniunea Sovietică. Dar, după doar șapte ani, Gagarin murea în urma unui accident aviatic la vârsta de 34 de ani, iar împrejurările morții sale sunt încă un mister.
Acest film documentar urmărește viața celebrului cosmonaut, descoperind latura lui personală – un erou sufocat de limitele sistemului care îl crease și despre care lumea nu știa absolut nimic.



01. Underwater Cemetery - Miami, USA
The man-made reef, located three miles (5 km) off the coast of Florida's Key Largo, opened in 2007 after a number of difficulties, including permits. The reef stretches across 16 acres (65,000 m2) of ocean floor designed as both a home for sea life and "a destination for divers". Cremated remains are mixed into different structures and columns. 

Among its residents: 86-year-old Edith Hink of Naples who passed away last year. Her family decided she loved the water so much, they'd try something new. Hink was cremated and buried at the underwater cemetery off the coast of Miami Beach.

02. Sucre's General Cemetery - Bolivia

In Bolivia, at the Sucre's Cementerio General, the family pays for a vault upon their loved one's demise: $10,000 for seven years. After those seven years are up, the deceased's corpse is moved from the vault into the ground. And after twenty years in the ground, the remains are removed entirely. Seems kind of harsh, but still: there are probably very few people whose deaths need more than 27 years of mourning.

Men are often buried with their workmates, betraying how tightly bound a Bolivian's identity is to his profession. Here, they're not so much family men who happen to work as truck drivers; they're truck drivers who happen to have a family. In Sucre's cemetery, large common vaults owned by unions — coal miners, lawyers and teachers among them — occupy a lot of ground. Likewise, children aren't buried with their parents, but with other children under a large hill of white graves, which is both beautiful and sad. The kids' shrines are filled with Disney characters, coke bottles, toys and poems. Adults, too, have shrines filled with the things they loved — often tiny liquor bottles, or a pack of cigarettes.

There's a lot of history in Sucre's cemetery, as well. Among the many presidents buried here is Hilarión Daza, who sparked the disastrous War of the Pacific with Chile, which cost Bolivia its coastline.

03. The Merry Cemetery - Romania
The original character of the cemetery is first of all suggested by its name: Cimitirul Vesel that means The Merry Cemetery. This paradoxical name is due to the vivid colours of the crosses and the amusing or satirical epitaphs carved on them. It is said that this joyful attitude towards death is a legacy of the Dacians who believed in the immortality of the soul and that death was only a passage to a better life. They did not see death as a tragic end, but as a chance to meet with the supreme god, Zalmoxis.

The cemetery dates back to the mid-1930's and is the creation of the local folk artist Stan Ioan Patras, sculptor, painter and poet rolled in one. Patras used all his skills to create colourful tombstones with naïve paintings describing, in an original and poetic manner, the persons that are buried there as well as scenes from their lives.

04. City Of The Dead - North Ossetia
Christian churches, agricultural prosperity and a magnificent ancient necropolis, known as the City of the Dead attract tourists from all over Russia. The village of Dargavs, or as the locals call it, the City of the Dead, has a cemetery with almost 100 ancient stone crypts where people that lived in the valley buried their loved ones along with clothes and belongings.

The first mention about the City of the Dead dates back to the beginning of the 14th Century. The ancestors of Ossetians settled down on the five mountain ridges, but the land was so expensive they were forced to choose the windiest and most unserviceable place for their cemetery. In the times of the plague many people, with no one left to bury them, would come to the crypt and wait for their death.

05. Newgrange - Ireland
Newgrange, County Meath, Ireland, was constructed over 5,000 years ago (about 3,200 B.C.), making it older than Stonehenge in England and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. The Megalithic Passage Tomb at Newgrange was built about 3200 BC. The kidney shaped mound covers an area of over one acre and is surrounded by 97 kerbstones, some of which are richly decorated with megalithic art. The 19 meter long inner passage leads to a cruciform chamber with a corbelled roof. It is estimated that the construction of the Passage Tomb at Newgrange would have taken a work force of 300 at least 20 years.

06. Small River Cemetery No 5 - Xinjiang, China
In the middle of a terrifying desert north of Tibet, Chinese archaeologists have excavated an extraordinary cemetery. Its inhabitants died almost 4,000 years ago, yet their bodies have been well preserved by the dry air.

The cemetery lies in what is now China's northwest province of Xinjiang, yet the people have European features, with brown hair and long noses. Their remains, though lying in one of the world's largest deserts, are buried in upside-down boats. And where tombstones might stand, declaring pious hope for some god's mercy in the afterlife, their cemetery sports instead a vigorous forest of phallic symbols, signaling an intense interest in the pleasures or utility of procreation.

07. Wadi-us-Salaam - Iraq
Wadi-us-Salaam (Valley of Peace) is the largest Islamic cemetery, and one of the largest cemeteries in the world. Located in Najaf, Iraq, this cemetery holds the graves of many Prophets, and is located near the Holy Tomb of Hazrat Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as).The cemetery covers 1485.5 acres (6 km²) and contains approximately 5 million bodies.

08. Hanging Coffins - Philippines

About six hours by bus from the Luzon island town of Banaue, north of Manila, the people of Sagada have devised a unique burial ritual involving the placement of dead relatives into caves after carefully preparing a hollowed out log. These coffins are carved by the elderly before they die; if they are too ill or weak their son or other close relative will do it for them. This ritual involves pushing the bodies into the tight spaces of the coffins, and often bones are cracked and broken as the process is completed.

After the deceased are put inside these coffins they are then brought to caves high in the cliffs where they join the coffins of other ancestors. The Segada people prefer to be buried in the cliffs than to be buried in the ground and have been doing this for more than 2,000 years.

09. La Recoleta Cemetery - Argentina
La Recoleta Cemetery is a famous cemetery located in the exclusive Recoleta neighbourhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It contains the graves of notable people, including Eva Perón, Raúl Alfonsín, and several presidents of Argentina. Recoleta Cemetery is both an outstanding cemetery and a highly valuable architectonic piece. It is a true outdoors art gallery, a unique exhibition of different architectonic styles and sculptures. In 1946, Recoleta Cemetery was declared National Historic Museum, since, among its little streets, we can find the graves of national heroes, Argentine presidents, brave soldiers, great scientists, and renowned artists and celebrities.

10. Single Woman's Churchyard - England
The Cross Bones Graveyard is an unusual cemetery located in the United Kingdom. It is a post-medieval disused burial ground in London, England. Originally, this graveyard was established as an unconsecrated graveyard for ‘single women,' a euphemism for prostitutes and was known as the ‘Single Woman's Churchyard'. It had become a pauper's cemetery in 1769. It is believed that more than 15,000 people have been buried there.

[ PHOTO ] DESTINATII DE VIS : The old Russian Aircraft Carrier converted into a Hotel

The year 2011 had belonged to the Chinese in multiple ways. Apart from making progress in their economy, they made their mark in the luxury lifestyle in many ways, and they seem to have started of 2012 on a similar note. Their latest revelation is the Russian Kiev class aircraft carrier hotel, which will be the first of its kind anywhere in the world. A gigantic ship, which was originally created for carrying fighter jets, has now been converted into a full-scale luxury hotel, with modern amenities, oriental themed décor, and plenty of luxury accommodation for its upcoming lot of guests. 

Till a few years ago, the Russian aircraft carriers were known to be the pride of army’s fleet, when owned by the Russian Army. But Chinese creativity changed all of that, and transformed this war craft wonder into a luxury hotel that is now grabbing eye balls after revealed in the Tianjin municipality of North China. Historic research tells us, that the ship has been a part of the Binhai Aircraft Park project since 2004, after a Chinese company laid hands on it in 1996. It was initially used to display the variety of modern military equipment, until recently when it was transformed into a luxury accommodation establishment. The final opening will happen later in the month of January 2012, when it will open for bookings.

In terms of amenities, we have come to know that there are 148 rooms in all- 2 Presidential suites, 3 VIP guest rooms, and 137 standard rooms, apart from the dining and common areas, all done up with oriental artistry including the furniture which bear the traditional colors and patterns of art work in the region. Needless to say, the ornamentation is nothing short of exquisite, and whatever may be the pricing policy, would certainly manage to impress even the most discerning customers of the hotel. However, the only near comparison to the concept is the Cunard Liner QE2, but the Tianjin Aircraft Carrier Hotel just might be a step ahead.

Via — Link 1

[ FOTO ] Football Stars Then and Now

01. Messi.

Once they were mere children, and now they are stars of football. We offer a look at some baby pictures of football players. 

02. Anelka.

03. Cannavaro.

04. Zidane.

05. Shevchenko.

06. Ronaldo.

07. Cristiano Ronaldo.

08. Nesta.

09. Del Piero.

10. Owen.

11. Totti.

12. Rui Costa.

13. Ronaldinho.

14. Rui Costa.

15. Figo.

16. Morientes.

17. Maradona.


    O femeie imbracata saracacios, cu o privire de om invins,a intrat
intr-o zi intr-o bacanie. S-a apropiat de stapanul magazinului intr-un
mod foarte umil l-a intrebat daca nu ar putea sa-i dea si ei pe
datorie cateva alimente.  I-a explicat cu glas usor ca sotul ei era
foarte bolnav si ca nu putea munci, si ca aveau si sapte copii, care
trebuiau hraniti.

    Bacanul, a privit-o de sus si i-a cerut sa paraseasca imediat
magazinul sau.

    Avand insa in gand nevoile familiei sale, femeia i-a mai spus:

                    Va rog, domnule, o sa va aduc banii inapoi de
indata  ce voi putea.

    Bacanul insa ii spuse ca nu-i poate da pe datorie, pentru ca nu
are credit deschis la magazinul sau.  Langa tejghea se mai afla inca
un client, care a auzit  discutia dintre cei doi. Clientul facu cativa
pasi inainte si ii spuse bacanului ca o sa acopere el costurile pentru
orice  are  aceasta femeie nevoie pentru familia sa.

    Bacanul raspunse parca in sila: Ai o lista cu cumparaturile de
care ai nevoie?

    Louise a raspuns: Da, domnule.

    O.K, spuse bacanul, atunci pune-o pe cantar si eu o sa-ti dau
marfa de aceeasi  greutate cu lista dumitale.

    Louise, ezitand o clipa, cu privirea in jos, baga mana in geanta
si scoase o bucatica de hartie pe care scrise ceva in graba. Apoi puse
cu grija biletelul pe cantar, cu privirea tot aplecata.

    Ochii bacanului si ai celuilalt client priveau plini de uimire cum
cantarul statea inclinat in partea cu hartia. Bacanul, privind la
cantar, s-a intors usor catre client si ii spuse mormaind:

                                                    Nu-mi vine sa cred!

    Clientul a zambit, iar bacanul a inceput sa tot puna pe cantar alimente.

Cantarul tot nu se echilibra, asa incat acesta tot punea pe el
alimente, din ce in ce mai multe,pana cand pe cantar nu a mai incaput

Bacanul sedea privind cu dezgust. In fine, smulse  bucatica de hartie
de pe cantar, si o privi cu mare uimire..

Nu era vorba de o lista de cumparaturi, ci era o rugaciune,care spunea asa:

Iubite Doamne, Tu i-mi cunosti nevoile, asa ca eu le pun in mainile Tale

    Bacanul ii dadu femeii alimentele si privea in continuare tacut,
inmarmurit. Femeia ii multumi si pleca din magazin.Celalat client ii
dadu bacanului o hartie de 50 de dolari si ii spuse: A meritat toti
banii! Numai Dumnezeu stie ce greutate are o rugaciune.

        PUTEREA UNEI RUGACIUNI: Cand veti primi acest mesaj, sa
spuneti o rugaciune... Doar atat trebuie sa faceti.

    Opriti-va chiar acum si spuneti o rugaciune de multumire pentru
norocul pe care il aveti in viata.

Apoi va rog trimiteti mesajul acesta catre toti prietenii  si rudele voastre.

Eu cred ca daca trimiteti aceasta marturisire cu o rugaciune cu
credinta, veti primi tot ceea ce aveti nevoie ca Domnul sa aduca in
viata voastra si a familiei voastre.

Asadar, draga inima, increde-te in Dumnezeu pentru a-i  vindeca pe
cei bolnavi, pentru a-i hrani pe cei infometati,pentru a le da haine
si adapost celor ce nu au ceea ce avem noi.  Amin.  Trimiteti, va
rog, acest mesaj si altora.      Rugaciunea este cel mai bun dar pe
care il putem primi pe gratis.

                            Nu e cu nicio plata, dar aduce o mare rasplata.

                            In momentele dificile cauta-l pe Dumnezeu!

                            In momentele de liniste adora-l pe Dumnezeu!

                            In momentele dureroase AI incredere in Dumnezeu!

                            In toate momentele multumeste-I lui Dumnezeu!

                          Cu multa dragoste pentru tine.

    Pe cat de repede a venit, pe atat de repede trebuie sa se duca.  ...

    Cand ajunge la tine trebuie sa si plece mai departe.
Primita pe e-mail !

[ FOTO ] DESTINATII DE VIS : The Most Incredible Rock Formations of Our Planet

A rock-balancer, Colorado.

The most incredible rock formations of our planet. 

12 Apostles, Australia.

Koh Tapu, Thailand.

Rock of Beastie, New Mexico.

Brice Canyon, Utah.

Caves Reed Flute, China.

Arch, Utah.

Torgatten, Norway.

El de Antequera Torquay, Spain.

Stone Forest, China.

Meteora, Greece.

Mushroom and Chicken Rocks, Egypt.

Tassili N'Ajjer, Algeria.

Giant's Causeway, Ireland.

 Mono Lake, California.

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