[ DESTINATII DE VIS ] More Hidden Street Art on Fences by Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating have been leaving their mark across the globe, particularly on railings in public spaces. Their elusive graffiti work offers an entertaining surprise for viewers from specific angles.

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

The pair of street artists present incredibly realistic renditions of human figures across their spaced public canvas. Despite being out in the open for anyone to take notice of their work, it's quite easy to miss if you're not paying attention to your surroundings. In a way, their art is a reminder to keep your eyes open and take in your environment. There's a lot of world to appreciate and Zebrating adds another rewarding element to the public landscape. Be sure to check out a video of the creative duo applying one of their anamorphic pieces to a railing, below.

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Art on Railing by Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

Mannheim, Germany-based street art duo known as Zebrating

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