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În 1990 în turul ciclistic „Tur de Trump” , în cea de-a unsprezecea zi a cursei, un sportiv rus, putin cunoscut, conducea deja de sapte zile consecutive. A luat conducerea plutonului în ziua a treia si n-a mai lasat pe nici unul dintre ciclistii mai experimentati sa-l detroneze, fiind în fruntea plutonului pîna în ultimile doua zile. Într-un moment avea deja douasprezece minute avans fata de cel de-al doilea clasat. 

În ultimile doua zile s-a întîmplat însa ceva. Acest sportiv a pierdut mereu teren si a ajuns să fie cu aproape jumatate de ora în urma primilor clasati. De altfel a terminat cursa departe de podium, undeva pierdut în grupul celorlalti ciclisti.
Urmarind experienta lui, putem spune: putine lucruri în viata sunt ca un „sprint”. Cele mai multe sunt ca un „maraton”. De aceea punctul esential al vietii nu este legat de felul cum începem, ci de felul cum terminam cursa.
Multi dintre noi sunt buni sprinteori (au un început bun). Au talent, au entuziasm si încep avînd laurii aprecierilor. Continuarea cursei în acelasi fel este esentialul. Cum suntem la sfîrsit? Aceasta-i marea întrebare! 


Într-o scurtă conversaţie, un bărbat o întreabă următorul lucru pe o femeie:- Ce tip de bărbat cauţi?
Ea, rămase un moment tăcută, înainte de al privi în ochi, apoi zise:-Vrei să ştii, într-adevăr?
El răspunse: -DA!
Atunci, femeia, începu să zică: -Fiind femeie, sunt în poziţia de a-i cere bărbatului ceea ce eu nu pot face pentru mine; plătesc facturile, mă ocup de casă, merg la super-market, fac cumpărături, şi ... totul, fără ajutorul vreunui bărbat! Îmi pun întrebarea: -Ce poţi tu - ca bărbat - să aduci în viaţa mea?
Bărbatul, rămase privind; gandea - cu siguranţă - că este vorba despre bani.
Ea, bănuind ce gandeşte el, spuse: -Nu mă refer la bani. Am nevoie de mai mult; am nevoie de un om care să lupte pentru perfecţiune în toate aspectele vieţii.

[ PHOTO ] Blinded Men Statues Ascending High into the Sky

Karma is an intriguing sculptural installation by Korean artist Do Ho Suh that presents countless men sitting atop one another while shielding each other's eyes. Like his Cause & Effect piece, which features a spectacular tornado of figurines, Karma presents figurative sculptures ascending into the sky like a human ladder.
Karma is an intriguing sculptural installation by Korean artist Do Ho Suh that presents countless men sitting atop one another while shielding each other's eyes. Like his Cause & Effect piece, which features a spectacular tornado of figurines, Karma presents figurative sculptures ascending into the sky like a human ladder. However, in addition to being perched on each other's shoulders, they are successively blinding one another which leads one to wonder: Why?  The artist has caught our attention over the years with misplaced houses, a robe made of dog tags, and symbolic floor installations; but it's his use of the human form that is most thought-provoking. His work continually questions one's identity and individuality by using the human body. These stainless steel men, though recognizably different entities, appear to move as one. While the piece is open for interpretation, it makes one question whether the idea behind it is to present the figure of a man blindly following in the path of his ancestors before him, who have risen a step closer to the heavens with each new successor in the lineage.

Karma is an intriguing sculptural installation by Korean artist Do Ho Suh that presents countless men sitting atop one another while shielding each other's eyes. Like his Cause & Effect piece, which features a spectacular tornado of figurines, Karma presents figurative sculptures ascending into the sky like a human ladder.

Karma is an intriguing sculptural installation by Korean artist Do Ho Suh that presents countless men sitting atop one another while shielding each other's eyes. Like his Cause & Effect piece, which features a spectacular tornado of figurines, Karma presents figurative sculptures ascending into the sky like a human ladder.

Karma is an intriguing sculptural installation by Korean artist Do Ho Suh that presents countless men sitting atop one another while shielding each other's eyes. Like his Cause & Effect piece, which features a spectacular tornado of figurines, Karma presents figurative sculptures ascending into the sky like a human ladder.

Karma is an intriguing sculptural installation by Korean artist Do Ho Suh that presents countless men sitting atop one another while shielding each other's eyes. Like his Cause & Effect piece, which features a spectacular tornado of figurines, Karma presents figurative sculptures ascending into the sky like a human ladder.

Karma is an intriguing sculptural installation by Korean artist Do Ho Suh that presents countless men sitting atop one another while shielding each other's eyes. Like his Cause & Effect piece, which features a spectacular tornado of figurines, Karma presents figurative sculptures ascending into the sky like a human ladder.

Karma is an intriguing sculptural installation by Korean artist Do Ho Suh that presents countless men sitting atop one another while shielding each other's eyes. Like his Cause & Effect piece, which features a spectacular tornado of figurines, Karma presents figurative sculptures ascending into the sky like a human ladder.

Karma is an intriguing sculptural installation by Korean artist Do Ho Suh that presents countless men sitting atop one another while shielding each other's eyes. Like his Cause & Effect piece, which features a spectacular tornado of figurines, Karma presents figurative sculptures ascending into the sky like a human ladder.

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Top 10 Foods Highest in Calcium

01. Dried Herbs
Dried Herbs
Photo — Link
Although dried herbs are rarely used in large portions, adding in a few extra pinches to all your sauces, soups, and stews is a great way to get more calcium into your diet. Dried savory tops the list with 2132mg of calcium per 100g serving (213%DV), that is 85mg (9% DV) per tablespoon. It is followed by celery seed with 124mg (12%DV) of calcium per tablespoon, dried thyme with 57mg (6% DV) per tblsp, dried dill with 53mg (5% DV) per tblsp, dried marjoram with 40mg (4%DV) per tblsp, dried rosemary with 38mg (4% DV) per tblsp, sage, sisymbrium, oregano, spearmint, parsley, poppy seed, chervil and finally dried basil with 21mg of calcium (2% DV) per tablespoon.

02. Cheese
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The amount of calcium in cheese depends on type and variety and Parmesan is the highest with 1376mg of calcium per 100g serving (138% DV), or 386mg (38% DV) per ounce, and 69mg (7% DV) per tablespoon. It is followed by Romano with 298mg (30% DV) of calcium per ounce, Gruyere with 283mg (28% DV) per ounce, Mozzarella, Swiss, Cheddar, Hard Goat cheese, and finally Provolone with 212mg of calcium (21% DV) per ounce.
03. Sesame Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Photo — Link
Sesame seeds provide the most calcium when they are roasted or dried with 989mg (99% DV) of calcium per 100g serving, or 277mg (28%DV) per ounce, and 88mg (9% DV) per tablespoon. Sesame Butter (Tahini) provides about half the amount of calcium with 426mg (43%DV) of calcium per 100g serving, 119mg (12% DV) per ounce, and 64mg (6% DV) per tblsp.
04. Tofu
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Tofu is most commonly found in Eastern foods, particularly Chinese food. Fried tofu provides 372mg (37% DV) of calcium per 100g serving, or 104mg (10%DV) per ounce, and 48mg (5% DV) in an average 13 gram piece. Tofu prepared with calcium sulfate can provide much much higher levels.
05. Almonds
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Almonds are a great source of calcium whether dry roasted or made into butter. Almonds will provide 266mg (27% DV) of calcium per 100g serving, 367mg (37% DV) per cup, and 74mg (7% DV) per ounce (~22 Almonds).
06. Flax Seeds
Flax Seeds
Photo — Link
Perhaps better known for their omega-3 fats, flax seeds also provide calcium with 255mg (26% DV) per 100g serving, 428mg (43% DV) per cup, and 26mg (3% DV) per tablespoon. Beware however, as milled or whole flax seeds provide calcium but refined flax seed oil provides no calcium whatsoever.
07. Yogurt, Milk, and Other Dairy Products
Yogurt, Milk, and Other Dairy Products
Photo — Link
Low fat dairy products provide slightly more calcium than full fat. Low fat yogurt provides the most calcium with 183mg (18% DV) per 100 gram serving, 415mg (42% DV) per cup. Skim milk provides 306mg (31% DV) per cup, and whole milk provides 276mg (31% DV) per cup.
08. Green Leafy Vegetables (Turnip, Mustard, and Dandelion Greens, Collards, Kale)
Green Leafy Vegetables (Turnip, Mustard, and Dandelion Greens, Collards, Kale)
Photo — Link
Dark leafy greens are a great source of calcium raw or cooked. Raw turnip greens provide the most calcium with 190mg (19% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 105mg (10% DV) in a chopped cup. It is followed by Dandelion greens which provide 103mg (10%DV) per cup, Kale 9% DV per cup, Mustard Greens 6% DV per cup, and Collard greens 5% DV per cup.
09. Brazil Nuts
Brazil Nuts
Photo — Link
Possibily the largest of all nuts, brazil nuts are a great source of calcium. Brazil nuts provide 160mg (16% DV) of calcium per 100 gram serving, 213mg (21% DV) per cup, and 45mg (4% DV) per ounce (or about 6 nuts).
10. Herring
Photo — Link
Herring is a high vitamin D food which aids in the absorption of calcium. Herring provides 74mg (7% DV) of calcium per 100 gram serving or 106mg (11% DV) per fillet, and 63mg (6% DV) per 3 ounce serving.
Via — Link

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